Yes, another damaged turkey, but I just can't help it!!!


8 Years
Apr 10, 2011
Vancouver WA
Hi, I'm usually over in the 'chicken' area, but I have been given a lonely (tiny for now) turkey poult. A feed store called a friend of mine, who is the one they call when they have chicks that can't be sold because of different things wrong with them. This time there happen to be a little poult in the mix. Said to be a white tom, just a few days old. Now I have silkies and seramas, so I really don't know a whole lot on turkeys. I believe the little guy has a problem with a tendon in one leg. For now, he seems to be getting around pretty good. Acting fairly normal. Now I realize if the feedstore is correct, and this is a tom, they are suppose to get to be a good size due to the fact that they are a meat bird. Now, I'm figuring also, that they are bred to not live long. They eat, get big and then are supposed to be butchered for food. But that is not going to happen for this little guy. His leg isn't going to let him carry the weight he is suppose to have, so I'm going to take him and try to make him as comfortable as I can. I would like to keep his weight down, somewhat, so he will be able to move around better. So any ideas on what or how I should I feed this guy? He will be strictly a pet now and I plan on keeping him in my yard with the other chickens as soon as he is big enough. I still want to make sure he gets a good diet, just not one high in protein or fat that would normally put weight on him. Would a 'chicken' diet be ok? or should I still feed him turkey feed just limit the amount? I do feed the seramas a game diet, just to keep a 'show quality' look to them. But they they are so small, they don't eat much. I really appreciate any advice. And I understand that this happens in a meat breed, and some are culled and that's live ...and so on and so on. But I have had a variety 'different' types of pets growing up and I thought, ok, I'll see what I can do here and have a pet turkey. I'm not planning on having anymore (please God, no more!) So any information on raising, feeding, or anything that is different from raising chickens, I really, really thank-you!!
I have a pic of him. His name is Benjamin, named after Benjamin Franklin (because of his story on not wanting the eagle as our country's symbol, but the turkey.)
Good luck with the rescue, hopefully there is a happyending to your story.

I would start him out on some sort of turkey/gamebird starter so that everything develops okay. Then transition him to a much lower calorie diet, with lots of exercise and green grass and bugs to look for and eat.

But I'm not an expert, so hopefully one answers your posting.

Again, good luck:D
Chicken feed does not have the proper minerals that a turkey needs for development. I have had alot of one legged chicken do great but it is much harder for a BB turkey. They have a huge inbred appetite. The only thing you can do is restrict the amount of food he eats by taking away all food after 12 hours. Good luck!
That makes sense. I was leaning that way I just wasn't sure. I needed someone, with a lot more experience then I have, to help out. Thanks, I appreciate it!

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