Yippee!!! 1st Blue egg

My EE, Lily, laid her first egg today, too. It is a lovely light green that doesn't photograph very well. It had a little blood on it (poor baby).


Congratulations! Isn`t it so exciting.

DH and I still get excited collecting the eggs and seeing how many our girls gift us with for the day and our 2 year old granddaughter knows to say `Tanktoo for eggs`when we collect them from the coop.
I think my family and friends must think we have lost it.
Ella`s egg is so pretty! One of our EE gives us lovely green eggs and we were hoping for blue from our two pullets who show mostly the Ameraucana part of their crossing...but they have turned out to be brown layers....alll the more excuse for me to hatch more chicks soon!!!
Well to be honest she does have alot of the ameicauna traits. I was told she was Americauna from a blue egg but I got her from a hatchery before I knew any better. The girl did seem very honest.
Ella does have a beard and muffs and slate legs.
I love her anyway
So excited for you! I am still waiting on blue eggs from my four true Ameraucanas..They are almost 30 weeks old and are only showing a tiny bit of pink on their combs and wattles..

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