I'm trying to lay down and go to sleep, but someone is determined to not only be up against my head, but he seems to think I need tail feathers in my face!

Get back on your OWN pillow, Phoenix!
I'm trying to lay down and go to sleep, but someone is determined to not only be up against my head, but he seems to think I need tail feathers in my face!

Get back on your OWN pillow, Phoenix!

Yeah, that's where I'd draw the line. No chicken butts near faces. Not cute when cats do it either, but at least they won't poop on you (under normal circumstances, ha ha)!
Wow, those numbers SUCK! And twice now!

What in the hell are they doing to those babies...

Sorry to hear that, abmaddox. Do any other hatcheries have them?
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I wonder if dorkings just don't do well with shipping? Has anyone ever ordered from another hatchery?

@mrsdszoo - I woke up to 2 more eggs zipping and already hatched chicks camped out on top! I was able to get them off and one hatched successfully, but will have to be culled. I'm not sure what happened, but it has a bulging eye on one side, possibly no eye on the other side, and it's beak is so misaligned that it's crazy. Not just scissor beak - almost making no contact at all because the skull is misshaped. The other one I could tell had been half-zipped for a long time and after watching it not make any progress and heavily breathing, I grabbed it out and popped the top off. It was stuck (despite humidity being quite high). I think the others sitting on top had him still for a while and that caused part of the membrane to stick. He's out and fine now.

So I've had 11 out of 12 hatch. 1 remains and 1 needs to be culled. I'm happy with 10 :-D

@abmaddox1981 - be sure to call McMurray. They will refund immediately for them.

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