@ChristyinGA I already called. They only refund chicks DOA at pick up.

@ChickDancer a few hatcheries have them but were sold out when I placed my order. Hopefully the eggs I got hatch.
Good morning! I just wanted to share this silly pic of a few of the chickens around here

Good morning! I just wanted to share this silly pic of a few of the chickens around here

You should submit this for a caption contest. But I already know mine.

"We know you got Old Doodle Do in there. Let him go, or else! We will not leave until he is free!"
I wonder if dorkings just don't do well with shipping?  Has anyone ever ordered from another hatchery? 

- I woke up to 2 more eggs zipping and already hatched chicks camped out on top!  I was able to get them off and one hatched successfully, but will have to be culled.  I'm not sure what happened, but it has a bulging eye on one side, possibly no eye on the other side, and it's beak is so misaligned that it's crazy.  Not just scissor beak - almost making no contact at all because the skull is misshaped.  The other one I could tell had been half-zipped for a long time and after watching it not make any progress and heavily breathing, I grabbed it out and popped the top off.  It was stuck (despite humidity being quite high).  I think the others sitting on top had him still for a while and that caused part of the membrane to stick.  He's out and fine now.

So I've had 11 out of 12 hatch.  1 remains and 1 needs to be culled.  I'm happy with 10 :-D 

- be sure to call McMurray.  They will refund immediately for them.

That's a pretty decent hatch. I'm sorry about the odd chick; I don't know what would cause that either.

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