The heat lamp is a red 250watt. These chicks are about 3 -4 weeks old. I have an awesome tool that you point and shoot, it tells you the temp of whatever the red laser beam touches. So I've been checking each chick, under the lamp they are around 90 degrees, not huddled, is that too hot? Is that ok? Once they huddle up it will be much warmer.
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Has anybody ever used the heat trace wire you can bye at Home Depot for your faucet to keep it from freezing I'm thinking about buying some of it and taping it to the bottem of my metal 5 fallen waterer I have power close to my pen so I would just need a drop cord to reach my power source
I have found that my chicks generally don't like it as hot as the suggested temps. But with that said, some breeds are just more fragile than others. I don't know anything specific about the salmons, but perhaps they are one of them. Hope everything works out.
I just went ahead and brought the brahma and the salmon inside and they are in their own individual brooder with heat until they feather a little more or until the cold weather evens out a little more.
The top picture is a brahma. The bottom picture is the salmon. The brahma I got at 4 or 5 days old so until it get a little bigger I am clueless on its sex but the salmon is definitely a female. By this age a salmon is very noticeably male or female.
Thought I'd drop in and say hello. New member here and all. I'm in the Hampton area I just south of the speedway. Not new to chickens having grown up with them and fooled with them off and on since then. Looking to set up a laying flock of quality buff minorcas this spring. Others that hold my interest are silver penciled hamburg, welsummer, delaware and nankin. Also on the lookout for a production blue egg layer.
Also a beekeeper of 30+ years and avid gardener with a little over a quarter acre under cultivation.
Professional trapper and wildlife control specialist, if I can help I'm always free with my advice.
The top picture is a brahma. The bottom picture is the salmon. The brahma I got at 4 or 5 days old so until it get a little bigger I am clueless on its sex but the salmon is definitely a female. By this age a salmon is very noticeably male or female.

Yes. It is a female. I was thinking the top one looked like one, but I was looking at it from my tiny cell phone. Is the brahma a male? Just stands like one. I had some SF once. Hawk got one and the other one died as an adult for unknown reason. I do like them except they lay medium eggs. I like them large!

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