Well we have been busy hatching babies and getting babies and I'm sure one of us at one point had to chase babies.  Other than that  not much happening :D
Ha! I did, actually. One of my AM got loose while I was moving them back to the porch from their outside area. We chased her all over! Finally cornered her against some wire lol. Stinker. I'm just glad my cats weren't around!
Ha! I did, actually. One of my AM got loose while I was moving them back to the porch from their outside area. We chased her all over! Finally cornered her against some wire lol. Stinker. I'm just glad my cats weren't around!
My dogs and cats leave my chickens alone guess I'm just lucky or they know I will do them bodily harm not sure which
My dogs and cats leave my chickens alone guess I'm just lucky or they know I will do them bodily harm not sure which :D
LOL! My dogs don't inside (ie, within arm's reach).. My cats (one in particular) LOVE when the babies are in the outside enclosure. It's like TV. And only once did I have a baby duck get loose on the porch in front of him. Never have I seen the cat move so fast!
@carcar we have a new dog and this is his first encounter with the chickens, when you have a crazy woman running with a tree in her hand screaming to leave my chickens alone he got the message, the cats have just never been that interested and I leave my birds out all day free ranging, and they come when I call them so I do keep a check on them.

do you know what kind of Naked Necks flower had cause I just had one hatch!!! my first NN, my first Cochin.

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