When are you moving? Too bad we both weren't relocating to the same areas because we could have just traded places!
I did get the job up there and start on the 26th. I have 2 possible places up there to rent that will allow dogs & chickens so I am keeping my fingers crossed! I am hoping to be up there mid November so I can get everyone settled in before starting work. I do not look forward to the cold at all!
After the new year prob during spring break at the earliest ..... yeah i think i saw you on the pa thread when i was on there ... looking for a place ... glad u found two possible ones .... the cold is so much colder here or at least it has seemed that way the past two years to me lol
Should I let my chickens outside today? I heard to keep them out of the wind. They are fully feathered at 5 months old. It's supposed to me windy today, tomorrow, and Wednesday. Winds from 17 mph- 20 mph. They don't have a door to a coop to go in and out at will. I put them all in their house and night, let them out during the day. Thanks!!
I have mine out today but they can go in to shelter if they need to. so far everyone has been out running around, Moms & young chicks too. It isn't too windy here today yet though, just a slight wind.
I have mine out today but they can go in to shelter if they need to. so far everyone has been out running around, Moms & young chicks too. It isn't too windy here today yet though, just a slight wind.

I went ahead and but them out. There is a tarp on one end, and some igloo doghouses in the playpen. Everyone else go in the doghouse (each "clique" has their own. Sadly, the Silkie's doghouse and tarp go unused, because who knows why. Silkies.
Thanks! Pam
Darby's wife catches him with another woman....
Too funny Pam!

Should I let my chickens outside today? I heard to keep them out of the wind. They are fully feathered at 5 months old. It's supposed to me windy today, tomorrow, and Wednesday. Winds from 17 mph- 20 mph. They don't have a door to a coop to go in and out at will. I put them all in their house and night, let them out during the day. Thanks!!
I have mine outside...ALL OF THEM...they seem to be okay and none of them go back to their coops to get warm. They are all too busy foraging for food. hahaha
I have mine out today but they can go in to shelter if they need to. so far everyone has been out running around, Moms & young chicks too. It isn't too windy here today yet though, just a slight wind.
It's 72 degrees here at my house and overcast right now but they are running all over the backyard. Those silkies chicks just are too cute.
I'm from Savannah :)

Been there a lot! My son is about 40 minutes away in Statesboro. I go to Savannah every time I visit. I always eat at One Eyed Lizzy's on River St. Then, I always want a praline, but I'm always out of money!! Never stayed in a hotel there, but I think it would be fun (with the balconies overlooking the street. Nice place!

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