@katiedarling I hope you didn't injure yourself. I sometimes feel like I should always wear a helmet and knee pads around my own home, if my DH hasn't waxed the hell out the floors downstairs causing me to slip and fall, then I'm falling down the stairs:) Luckily I haven't broken any bones yet
I was the clutzy one katiedarling was just trying to be nice letting me think she wasn't
. Sounds like we maybe related but I don't need the wax, I'd be dead if my floors were waxed or in a body cast.

I think with that I won the clutz for the week award
For chicken nipple water system, is their any preference or better choice on the bucket used, as far as color, I.E is a black or dark bucket better then a white bucket ? I read somewhere that a black or dark bucket is better to use and if so anybody have experience in painting a white bucket black.
here's the one reason a dark bucket is better, sunlight causes algae growth, so dark or opaque won't let sunlight in to make algae. You'll still need an occasional ACV treatment to keep it from getting slimy, which reminds me it's time to do my system tomorrow.

If you're going to paint one, make sure you get paint that's rated for plastic or it won't stay on. Post pics! here's my water system:

Just stopping in to show everyone the new baby on our "Farm".

Awwww lets cook it, JK JK

For chicken nipple water system, is their any preference or better choice on the bucket used, as far as color, I.E is a black or dark bucket better then a white bucket ? I read somewhere that a black or dark bucket is better to use and if so anybody have experience in painting a white bucket black.

some reason I thought you were going to paint the inside of the bucket, wow has my mind gone
thats an American bulldog
I'm so glad you said that cause I put up the sign at my vets office as a pit/lab mix.

here's the one reason a dark bucket is better, sunlight causes algae growth, so dark or opaque won't let sunlight in to make algae. You'll still need an occasional ACV treatment to keep it from getting slimy, which reminds me it's time to do my system tomorrow.

If you're going to paint one, make sure you get paint that's rated for plastic or it won't stay on. Post pics! here's my water system:

nice, now how exactly does it work? I see how it is put together but when do you run the black hose from the blue bucket for water?
I was the clutzy one katiedarling was just trying to be nice letting me think she wasn't :lau .  Sounds like we maybe related but I don't need the wax, I'd be dead if my floors were waxed or in a body cast.  

I think with that I won the clutz for the week award

OMG, I hope you didn't injure yourself dear!
Awwww lets cook it, JK JK

some reason I thought you were going to paint the inside of the bucket, wow has my mind gone
I'm so glad you said that cause I put up the sign at my vets office as a pit/lab mix.

nice, now how exactly does it work? I see how it is put together but when do you run the black hose from the blue bucket for water?
ummm, when the barrel gets empty? LOL the black hose comes from the house to fill the blue barrel up when it runs out......and it's not over the top like that any more, I just did it that way because I'd had it hooked up to the sprinklers in the garden and it was closer to go over than around. It goes in the hole in the side of the barrel at the top, the pipe you see coming out in that picture is the drain. There's actually a pipe that goes straight from the barrel through the fence and hooks to the water line for the system right by the coop

that goes through the fence to the nipples, the other end is the drain

I plan on hooking the gutter from the roof to the barrel once we get past all this 'avian flu' stuff that's going around, for now, I just keep the barrel full with the hose. That's a 30 gallon barrel, so far it's lasting around 2 weeks. Of course I've not let it get completely empty except for when I drained it because I put the wormer in the bucket for a day.
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here's the one reason a dark bucket is better, sunlight causes algae growth, so dark or opaque won't let sunlight in to make algae. You'll still need an occasional ACV treatment to keep it from getting slimy, which reminds me it's time to do my system tomorrow. If you're going to paint one, make sure you get paint that's rated for plastic or it won't stay on. Post pics! here's my water system:
That is so cool!
@valleychicks haven't seen you on lately, hows the baby?
Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I've just been busy with life, Granddaughter and chickens. Our Granddaughter is getting big! She is still having a lot of doctor visits. I think they just do that with preemies. She is 4 months old now. She will look at whom ever is holding or talking to her and smile then look as if she is trying to talk to them by making coo sounds.

Our Jack Russell Terrier passed on a little over a week ago. She was having a bad asthma reaction to Bahia grass and had been on the highest dose of meds. Nothing worked. We had her for about 15 years. This is the first time in 40 + years that I have been without a dog in my home. I always had dogs in my life growing up but my husbands family didn't. It's been real hard on me. Thank you for checking on me. I hope you are doing well. How is Nelson?

Aurora Grace 4 months old

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