I don't know. I have seen some sales for those too. When I asked they guy if they were Orpintons or what, he replied "No. Yellow Buffs"...haha! I didn't know if another breed was called that, kinda like Buff Orpingtons are just called Buffs sometimes.
sounds like someone has no clue what they have. My first guess would be the same as yours, buff orpingtons. I'd just about bet the farm that's what they are and he was told they were 'buffs' and thought that was a breed.....

or they could be a cross mix. As long as they lay, and all you want is chickens for eggs, you should be good to go
I have a question, I believe I'm going to have to put one of my babies down. I have no idea what happened to it, but it's lower jaw is crooked this morning. I'm wondering if it's jumped up and gotten caught in the wire or a crack or something. It wasn't like this yesterday, but today checking them it looks like it's bottom beak is broken. I tried pushing it back but it won't stay. here's a pic.....I can't imagine it can eat like this.

I have a question, I believe I'm going to have to put one of my babies down. I have no idea what happened to it, but it's lower jaw is crooked this morning. I'm wondering if it's jumped up and gotten caught in the wire or a crack or something. It wasn't like this yesterday, but today checking them it looks like it's bottom beak is broken. I tried pushing it back but it won't stay. here's a pic.....I can't imagine it can eat like this.

oh that's sad no I wouldn't think it could eat
I have a question, I believe I'm going to have to put one of my babies down. I have no idea what happened to it, but it's lower jaw is crooked this morning. I'm wondering if it's jumped up and gotten caught in the wire or a crack or something. It wasn't like this yesterday, but today checking them it looks like it's bottom beak is broken. I tried pushing it back but it won't stay. here's a pic.....I can't imagine it can eat like this.

I had a chicken live for a year with a beak like that. I only died as a result to a raccoon attack. Try to mix chic started(crumbles) with a little water. It wont have to chew it should melt in it's mouth. If it is not injured in any other way it may make it.
I had a chicken live for a year with a beak like that. I only died as a result to a raccoon attack. Try to mix chic started(crumbles) with a little water. They don't have to chew it should melt in it's mouth. If it is not injured in any other way it may make it.
ok thanks, I'll give it a few days and keep a check on it. I'm pretty sure this one is a rooster that I would have to do something with later anyway, but I won't let something suffer or die of starvation if it can't eat. Seems to be just as active as always, so I'll watch it a few days and we'll see
I have a question, I believe I'm going to have to put one of my babies down. I have no idea what happened to it, but it's lower jaw is crooked this morning. I'm wondering if it's jumped up and gotten caught in the wire or a crack or something. It wasn't like this yesterday, but today checking them it looks like it's bottom beak is broken. I tried pushing it back but it won't stay. here's a pic.....I can't imagine it can eat like this.
I actually know for a fact that it can of the food is in a deeper dish. It will be able to shove it's whole beak down to eat. ;) let me know how it goes.
sounds like someone has no clue what they have. My first guess would be the same as yours, buff orpingtons. I'd just about bet the farm that's what they are and he was told they were 'buffs' and thought that was a breed.....

or they could be a cross mix. As long as they lay, and all you want is chickens for eggs, you should be good to go
I don't plan on breeding them, if that's what you are meaning. I do plan on breeding the Cream Legbars once I get the girls a Man and get that going. Then have a "pet" coop for eggs and enjoyment.

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