I actually know for a fact that it can of the food is in a deeper dish. It will be able to shove it's whole beak down to eat.
let me know how it goes.

I don't know much about beaks. Could you superglue it? Maybe it would heal like a bone.
Ok, I just looked it up at http://beautyofbirds.com/brokenbeaks.html There is plenty of advice there which includes superglue in some cases but it should be the gel.
I don't know much about beaks. Could you superglue it? Maybe it would heal like a bone.
Ok, I just looked it up at http://beautyofbirds.com/brokenbeaks.html There is plenty of advice there which includes superglue in some cases but it should be the gel.
great link thanks!

I will just be keeping an eye on it, if it appears to be eating, then being that it's only 4 weeks old it may very well grow out and be normal again in a few weeks.
Hey, it's all good. If kicking him works for you, then keep kicking him. Not kicking seems to work for me, for now. That's not to say I haven't. Twice I did and he came at me harder. When I don't, he's suddenly a quitter so I just shut it down by not giving him the opportunity to make me engage on his terms. I'm sure that may change in the future. It was a sound philosphy during my single lady days, and a rooster is just another dude, really. I know that roosters are hardwired to fight, but I have to say, if I was hardwired to fight and always win & somebody kicked me, I'd just want to tear their face off or go completely psycho hose-beast on them.

We'll see what happens when James hits puberty. Perhaps he'll be the one needing to be kicked or re-homed. I only say don't because that's what I read about in the blogs/forums/articles I was researching in. I meant it more as a suggestion, not so much as a command. If it were any other roo, I probably wouldn't waste my time with it, but you know this little guy slept under my chin for a week when he was a sick baby. I just don't have the heart, whether he deserves it or not so I decided to find a way to make it work so he can stay. Time will tell.

"To each, his own" is the lesson here. I just wish I could remember which articles and blogs I read because I didn't bookmark them. I think one was in Mother Earth News or Grit, maybe(?). They discussed all angles, including re-homing and freezer camp, so I just chose what works for me and discarded the rest. Please know, I am definitely not trying to be a know-it-all here. I know how much you hate that!

On another note, did you ever find out what those baby birds were that are roosting on my porch every year? I can't wait for the leaves to fall off the trees so Ican get a better look at the goings on in that nest up there.

Well have taken Katie's advice and have now tried to a new approach with the rooster. After I just about knocked his head off, after he flogged me three times, two of which were blindside. I have now taken the approach when he ruffles his feather or looks like he wants to flog me, I grab the net and catch him and pick him up and walk around the property with him. He actually seems to like and enjoy this and does not fight me and then when he goes back into the coop, he can't try to scamper when I put him down, if he does I hold him longer. So now just starting this practice will see if this approach works and if he will start to settle down. Thanks all for the advice and will see how it works in time.
Hey look at that... I got post #33333
OOOOh that means your special
but then if you add your numbers?????? part devil

Hi Katsdar,
I couldn't enlarge well enough to see the caliber. I am much better with rifles than with handguns. However, I love my 38 S&W Revolver and my Sig-Sauer automatic. Got to be vigilant against all predators!!!
It's a 22, I have both cylinders one shoots regular 22 and then the one that shoots the mags, like your gun selection too, I have a 22 bolt action rifle and a little 17 they are just, yeah just toys compared to yours.

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