Anybody run across this yet? Apparently the FDA are going to start phasing veterinary antibiotics into prescription-required.

That is scary. I don't know of an avian vet in my area, and honestly would hate to pay a vet visit every time I need something.
Especially with my racing pigeons, who easily get respiratory problems from being co-mingled with other birds for races.
Flowerbh and Papachaz,
I can't tell you how happy I am with the chick I got from each of you.

The 6 from Flowerbh went into the big pen today, honestly to give me one less area to feed and water.
The 6 from Papachaz are in with my 13 Buff Orps and 2 of my Dominiques, all approx the same age.

I'm amazed at how big the Ameraucanas are, compared to the others. Even bigger than the Orps that are very close to the same age.
Nice! glad you're enjoying them! The two AMs I kept are both going to be splash, I think I'm going to have one of each, if the tail feathers are any indication. I might keep the splash rooster, I am planning to build another coop and separate my AMs from everything else, but I'll still want a rooster with them, I may sell him, if it indeed turns out to be one, and keep an EE rooster if one of them, and I'm pretty sure at least one WILL be, is a rooster.

but glad you're happy!

I'm going to start saving eggs about the first of Dec, and try the incubator I got from Kat, probably with a dozen to start with.
You will like this.... About 5 months ago, I sold a guy two female runner ducks. Then we both bought some chocolate runners from a guy and split them. I took two and he took four. I ended up with one male and one female. He said he got one female and three males. Well, yesterday he texted me and asked if it were normal for a duck to lay 3 eggs a day because he was getting 6 eggs a day. 3 from one female, 2 from one and 1 from another. Well, I started thinking and it came to me to ask him to send photos of the ducks. Well, you guessed it......he has ALL females! That would explain why he was getting 6 eggs a day! Lol! Now, I need to ask the female I got why she's not laying yet!
That is scary. I don't know of an avian vet in my area, and honestly would hate to pay a vet visit every time I need something.
Especially with my racing pigeons, who easily get respiratory problems from being co-mingled with other birds for races.

Part of the reason I started my own flock was to cut back on the amount of incidental drugs in my food. So on one hand, this makes me happy. On the other hand, yeah. So much for treating diseases without breaking the bank on vet bills.
That is scary. I don't know of an avian vet in my area, and honestly would hate to pay a vet visit every time I need something.
Especially with my racing pigeons, who easily get respiratory problems from being co-mingled with other birds for races.
Are you close to Summerville? If so Summerville Vet treats chickens etc. if it breaths she treats it.
Nice! glad you're enjoying them! The two AMs I kept are both going to be splash, I think I'm going to have one of each, if the tail feathers are any indication. I might keep the splash rooster, I am planning to build another coop and separate my AMs from everything else, but I'll still want a rooster with them, I may sell him, if it indeed turns out to be one, and keep an EE rooster if one of them, and I'm pretty sure at least one WILL be, is a rooster.

but glad you're happy!

I'm going to start saving eggs about the first of Dec, and try the incubator I got from Kat, probably with a dozen to start with.
Hey have you integrated your new girls yet? No eggs yet here, oh well we wouldn't want them to pay their rent, they are taking a break along with the rest of them, so many girls so little eggs, well except the bantam girls are really out doing them selves, now if I could just figure out how to blow up their eggs to equal at least 2:1 instead of 3:1.
The girls are getting a little redder in the face, since we last talked about them.


I put the golf balls in the nesting boxes. Two look like they are getting buried. Could they be starting to get in them? Will they check them out prior to laying?

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Hey have you integrated your new girls yet? No eggs yet here, oh well we wouldn't want them to pay their rent, they are taking a break along with the rest of them, so many girls so little eggs, well except the bantam girls are really out doing them selves, now if I could just figure out how to blow up their eggs to equal at least 2:1 instead of 3:1.
yes did it today. went out to see how the seating was on the roost, 3 of the new girls, then an ameraucana, then the 2 aussie, then the other two new girls then the rest of them.

I did see a little bit of 'pecking order establishment' going on today, but that's to be expected. Got three eggs from the new girls, being a bit older than mine, theirs are a bit bigger so easy to tell. At least until my girl lays one of her 'oh my she needs and epidural' eggs.....

also moved the babies from the brooder to the divided section of the coop and run. They sure did enjoy having enough room to run and stretch those wings! Had to physically put them in the coop after dark, but I did expect to have to.

on another note, last week I noticed a couple of my hens pecking the back of the rooster. While I was in the coop checking on them all, I got him down, much to his dislike, and checked him out. He has a pretty good sized bare spot in the middle of his back right in front of his tail! Is there something I can put on him to make them stop, or is there something I SHOULD be putting on the bare spot to protect him? apparently I just THOUGHT I knew what 'henpecked' meant, now I'm seeing it first hand. He makes NO effort to try to make them stop

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