totally jealous! I wanted some blues and blacks and partrige cochins but i just couldn't get any soon enough =o( there is always next year!

I'm so excited I can't stand it! Had the hardest time tracking down the LF within driving distance and then the breeder wasn't hatching more until the fall. I couldnt wait that long So...the bator is full lol.
Okay so as you see by Bossy standing in the coop doorway my girls go in in out freely all day and know how to use their ramp. I have an automatic door with a light sensor. It opens at dawn and closes at dusk (not dark) solar lights here and there have popped on for 10 min before the door closes). Why wont they go in to bed. They have only put themselves to bed once since they have had the option to come out of the coop and into the run.
anyone have fertile eggs near athens? nothing crazy cause this is my first go just looking for something fun to fill the bator with

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