Just hatched 10 out of 10 Cochins eggs from my friend who lives in Dawsonville...East of 400. I could ask her for you if you are interested.

oo yes see this is going to be bad for my chicken math.... I just am looking for nothing real expensive or free would be better haha just incase i screw something up since i have to turn and everything. let me know how much
I live in NE GA just north of Gainesville. I recently obtained 16 chicks, one died in transit. I was also sent a suprise chick (that's why 16 instead of 15) but now with the one gone, I have 1 Golden Laced Polish Chick, and I ordered 10 Buff Orpingtons, and 5 Buff Rocks. Still having a hard time telling them apart just yet, so we do not know which one of the Buff's we lost, and noticed today that one of the Buff Ladies wings look like they did not develop quite right.They look like they have been clipped compared to the other girls. DH unfortunately has had major health issues, and so my (poor) attempts at starting and having coop pretty much ready isn't working so well, not so great with carpentry and limited tools!. They are a week and one day today, and I have limited room. Going to put them into a coop on a slab since there is VERY little area on my property that is level. :( Love the babies though, getting to where they will jump/fly up to my arm between wrist and elbow and perch. Too cute! They love being fed by hand. One question I do have, can I feed them a few mealworms as a treat? Gave them some spinach and carrot thinnings, and a little grass bits and they loved that. Please let me know! Thanks!
I live in NE GA just north of Gainesville. I recently obtained 16 chicks, one died in transit. I was also sent a suprise chick (that's why 16 instead of 15) but now with the one gone, I have 1 Golden Laced Polish Chick, and I ordered 10 Buff Orpingtons, and 5 Buff Rocks. Still having a hard time telling them apart just yet, so we do not know which one of the Buff's we lost, and noticed today that one of the Buff Ladies wings look like they did not develop quite right.They look like they have been clipped compared to the other girls. DH unfortunately has had major health issues, and so my (poor) attempts at starting and having coop pretty much ready isn't working so well, not so great with carpentry and limited tools!. They are a week and one day today, and I have limited room. Going to put them into a coop on a slab since there is VERY little area on my property that is level. :( Love the babies though, getting to where they will jump/fly up to my arm between wrist and elbow and perch. Too cute! They love being fed by hand. One question I do have, can I feed them a few mealworms as a treat? Gave them some spinach and carrot thinnings, and a little grass bits and they loved that. Please let me know! Thanks!
So, about the chick with the small wings....don't overworry. Some chicks have a slow feathering gene. I have a 7 week old Wyandotte who hardly has any feathers and when I posted it on that thread, all I got was oohhs and ahhs and how great that was! But, the other thing, is that it is probably a male. Males generally feather in more slowly.
I would personally not feed young chicks under 10 days anything but medicated chick starter. I just think their digestive track needs to develop a little bit before introducing other foods. Also, if you are giving them other foods, you also need to make sure they have some form of grit available to them. The grit is what grinds down the food in their bodies. Chick starter has available grit in them. I would wait on the mealworms until they are older and then only as an occasional treat.
Your chicks won't really need a coop for a few weeks. They need to stay warm with a heat lamp for the first few weeks. A large Tupperware container or box would do. Temp for the first week should be about 99, then reduce heat by 5 degrees each week until they get all their feathers. You can raise or lower a heat light for different temps.
Welcome to the wonderful world of chickens! Love them! Good luck!

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