have 2 broodies on day 21. One chick hatched this morning. I've peaked in a few times and the hatchling is out and about out from under mom. Both hens are still sitting on 15 eggs (7 under one and 8 under the other).
I peaked in just now and one of the hens off her eggs and sitting on the other hens chick by her nest box. I can hear another chick under the hen who hatched one.
I picked her up and put her back on her eggs and put the chick in the box with her. She has taken one chick but the other doesn't seem to mind.
Now another problem. I'm seeing ants. Maybe there is a bad egg!!!
What should I do?!?!?
Move the hen that got off her eggs? Candle them and put the good ones under the other hen?!?
Do nothing?!

The other hen was off her eggs sitting right by this hen, on this chick. The good news is the hens and chick mixed fine!
have 2 broodies on day 21. One chick hatched this morning. I've peaked in a few times and the hatchling is out and about out from under mom. Both hens are still sitting on 15 eggs (7 under one and 8 under the other).
I peaked in just now and one of the hens off her eggs and sitting on the other hens chick by her nest box. I can hear another chick under the hen who hatched one.
I picked her up and put her back on her eggs and put the chick in the box with her. She has taken one chick but the other doesn't seem to mind.
Now another problem. I'm seeing ants. Maybe there is a bad egg!!!
What should I do?!?!?
Move the hen that got off her eggs? Candle them and put the good ones under the other hen?!?
Do nothing?!
I'd clean the nest, just IMO
Anyone have any experience playing mom to a tiny baby rabbit? Neighbor's dog brought it to her and she call asking what to do, I said put it back, mom will come get it, she said no grass is too high and she was scared of snakes, so I now have the cutest baby and went and got goat's milk and kitten re-placer, oh it's a boy!!! and read that you only feed twice a day, so wish me luck, I have taken care of and raised baby squirrels, so hope fully I will be successful with this little guy
so you have had experience, what did you feed them and how often?  I have goat's milk and kitten milk replacer
I fed mine cows milk, I've raised several they're really sweet when you hand raise them, I feed mine like 4 times a day but that's me, you'll really have to see how often it wants to eat and go from there
Sold 15 chicks! Guy was a friend of a guy who always buys my chicks. He told me they like my chicks because Beau is the daddy and they grow so big. They eat them all!
and they like that they get so big! As I am putting them in the box, I am silently asking for their forgiveness! I'm so weird like that! I could never work in a processing center! I would be letting them all go yelling, "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"

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