DH wants to know what everyone does about flies. My idea was to put a lot of DE on the area. He wants to put up fly strips. Does anyone know about fly catcher bags?

I say go with the DE, only thing is, it has to be reapplied often. The birds scratch it into the ground and rain will wash it away The strips work great as long as you and the chickens aren't going to run into them. I tried the bags once and they stunk so bad and I swear they called to every fly from miles around. Sadly they did not catch as many as they attracted.
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Just finished planting the azaleas in front of the coop. DH did some more staining and finished the rails with the mountain laurel.

We need to finish the auto waterer, stain the back of the coop and add a few more roosts.

But, renters leave tomorrow morning, new ones come in at 4! So, my day will be busy! Ugh! Then, those renters leave Monday morning and new ones come Monday afternoon! But, good thing is about the Monday group is that it is my sister from Texas and a bunch of her friends, so that should be fun! Can't wait to see her!
My incubator is OFF!! And wiped down/disinfected!! And racks/humidity pan in the dishwasher!

:clap :clap :clap

OMG I really have worn myself out this season with it. It was a good season though.. Made enough to keep the birds in feed and buy the materials for the next run, plus bought plenty of hatching eggs for myself and went on several family outings.. All thanks to my feather kids. :)

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