Does any one in Georiga sale crested cream legbar chicks? I live in Savannah, but would be willing to drive or pay shipping! My rooster died and I'm down to 2 older girls now
justin smithey at http://www.smitheypoultry.com/

he ships, not sure he'd be hatching now or not. Call him or write him. this is the breeder I bought my Blue Ameraucana's from, he's a good guy to do business with
Here are some photos of the RIR roosters we found. The neighbors said they have been seeing them for the past few days. Someone must have let them out by the side of the road.
If you are interested in them, let me know ASAP please!

Nice looking birds.

@GAMarans sent u a pm

For any of y'all with experience in these things, (@Flowerbh , @GAMarans , and @katsdar off the top of my head maybe?) How can I get my candeling and poultry licences? I checked the department of AG website, but it seems to assume you know what you're doing, and being a newbie I'm really lost!

I managed to find the calender with candeling classes, but it doesn't look like there will be any more this fall, unless they don't post them for the full year? Anyway is like to be certified by the new year as next year my boyfriend and I have decided to try to make a small business out of this little hobby!

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

Did you get info you needed?

I had someone that wanted my roosters. Unfortunately it fell through!

These are nice roosters and free!
1. Black Copper Marans I have three
2. Lavender Ameraucana
3. Cuckoo Lavander Ameraucana
4. Bielefelder
5. Olive Egger with cute feathered feet

I'd be willing to get rid of 5 month old Black Cooper Marans pullet if you take more than one!! I'd throw in young laying hen if you take them all!
I need to make room!!

Remind me where you are, please.

Joshfig- if you ever get a rooster again then think about a Bramha, they are hard to miss and friendly, they don't seem to get aggressive from meeting them(at shows, and freinds who own the Roos) and FlowerBH big boy was sweet to his girls
Brahmas are great but he is breeding for dark egg color.
@Lady Who , @GAMarans nailed it. I want the BCM for breeding - the roo I have now came from a very dark egg - so i'm going to give him a shot for a batch of chicks and keep them. Send the rooster where bad roosters go after that.

We are just going to go 'rooster-less' for awhile. I like having them around, but if we are not breeding - no real need. I may pick another up in the spring based only on disposition as we won't be breeding for awhile.

Anyone near Augusta?

I'm starting my backyard flock. I raised some chicks but lost some of them. So far I have a birchen Marans rooster and an Easter Egger. Soon to have a blue wheaten ameraucana pullet. I would love to have a BCM pullet. Just the start I guess!
Anyone near Augusta?

I'm starting my backyard flock. I raised some chicks but lost some of them. So far I have a birchen Marans rooster and an Easter Egger. Soon to have a blue wheaten ameraucana pullet. I would love to have a BCM pullet. Just the start I guess!
Oh how it starts so innocently and before you know it, CHICKEN MATH HITS,

Oh how it starts so innocently and before you know it, CHICKEN MATH HITS,  


I started with 12 pullets. For eggs only of course. Lost two. One ended up a rooster. Had to replace my two losses with 4 or 6 more. Then got a few more breeds... then ended up with so many I don't want to talk about how many I have. Lol.

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