The big hurdle with girl Mallard will be this fall/winter ... as the wild ducks pass through on their southern journey, will she stay or will she go? Hopefully she will find life easy enough and happy enough at the farm and not be tempted to wonder off. haha

Still can't get over how huge those Pekin boys are.
Oh I hope she stays, should have clipped her wings
So I was at a natural museum the other day and in the garden part of the exhibits they had some small coops with a couple of bantam roosters! One was even a millie fleur d'uccle!
I don't know how well they were cared for though, because they all had really long spurs. One had spurs literally about 7 or 8 inches long! Maybe their caretaker just didn't know how to trim them? They looked healthy and happy otherwise, just felt bad for that one.
Oh so then there is a great chance the girl Mallard will follow his lead and stay
That's the hope. We had another female that stayed with him until something sadly took her right off of her nest.

What type of ducks are best for eggs? I have a 1.5 acre pond the could have access to.


I am currently working on crossing them with Mallards to get a high production, colored egg layer.

Here is the efowl page on them ... http://www.efowl.com/Khaki_Campbell_Hatching_Eggs_p/1206.htm
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