College Park, I had a coop here at school for over a year now and the kids love.them. I am interested in adding to my flock, possibly Flavorelles, Copper Marans or any chickens that will fit with my RIRs, Laced Wyandottes, Cream Legbars, and Easter Eggers. Anybody know where I can get 4 month or older hens. Thanks, love the site.
Oh boy ... there will be no living with Robo now. Did y'all see his new "badge"?
No, so tell us about it, did he get promoted, oh I meant demoted, lol

We are going to Netherworld haunted house on Sat. I hope I get the bejeezees scared out of me, I know I didn't spell it right. It's rated pretty high nation wide.
He has this thing under him now ...

Once they figure him out they will take it away,

Kitties are doing great, and the little black and white one, Sara has finally gotten over the scaried cats
Ugh, DD and husband and my 4 grandchildren decided to ride out the hurricane in FL. They are right between Melbourne and Jacksonville Beach! Yes, right where landfall is suppose to be! We have called them a 100 times, but they wouldn't leave. So mad at them!
Maddie's ticked!! Our last chick was taken today. Still no clue what but the fencing is bent and the bird netting is broken. We were busy taking trash to the dump so I hadn't checked on it earlier. Could've sworn I heard it while I was loading trashave and thought it was fine...now, i'm pretty sure it was sending the distress call just very faintly. I figured it was just hungry for dinner. No more babies without a fully wire enclosed shelter!! Now, I need to padlock the coop in case it's a coon.

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