Haven't been around in awhile, been pretty busy, doing projects, making more work for myself. If someone wants a good breeding pair, I have a Barred Plymouth Rock pair, just over 4 weeks old, unrelated to each other (I'm about 95% positive on that), but both from heritage lines, for $10, plus one extra cockerel for $5. And I have 17 Brahma chicks, 4 who are same age as the Rocks that may or may not be sold (will know soon) and 8 that are just over a week old, not sure the sex of the younger ones. They are Partridge, Blue partridge and one splash Partridge-that last one I will keep if it's a pullet, but if not, he will be for sale with the rest when mama is done with them.
Will it ever stop raining????? Ack!
IMO, if you can't spell the breed name, don't try to sell it.

Hahahahha! I have thought that exact same thing!!!!!

thank heavens for you!! I shake my head and disqualify people immediately this way. I swear if I see someone list "Creole" birds again I'm going to lose it. I've even gotten to the point that I message them just to needle them about it. I'm by no means an authority, but shoot!!!---a quick google will usually answer your question. And, if I'm too lazy to google, I post here!!! :lau
thank heavens for you!! I shake my head and disqualify people immediately this way. I swear if I see someone list "Creole" birds again I'm going to lose it. I've even gotten to the point that I message them just to needle them about it. I'm by no means an authority, but shoot!!!---a quick google will usually answer your question. And, if I'm too lazy to google, I post here!!! :lau
You know I love my Naked Necks. Can you imagine what I do when I see someone advertise that they have Naked Necks and that "they are a cross between a chicken and a turkey!" Yeah, I have been known to text them the truth about their 'product'. LOL!
Haven't been around in awhile, been pretty busy, doing projects, making more work for myself. If someone wants a good breeding pair, I have a Barred Plymouth Rock pair, just over 4 weeks old, unrelated to each other (I'm about 95% positive on that), but both from heritage lines, for $10, plus one extra cockerel for $5. And I have 17 Brahma chicks, 4 who are same age as the Rocks that may or may not be sold (will know soon) and 8 that are just over a week old, not sure the sex of the younger ones. They are Partridge, Blue partridge and one splash Partridge-that last one I will keep if it's a pullet, but if not, he will be for sale with the rest when mama is done with them.
Will it ever stop raining????? Ack!
Hey Cyn, looks like a lot of us have chicks available right now. As for the rain, it has put me in an off mood today, so I've been a bit of a curmudgeon. I have all this fencing to run, but I need to set the t-posts and run the fencing the same day, and I have to at least mow/weed wack the perimeter of the fence line first. I was able to cut down a couple of trees on Monday, but that's been about it this week. I've also been anxious about doing some smoking in the smoker (It's kind of my therapy.), so today, even though it was raining, I cranked up the smoker in the rain, and did my thing. Supposedly the rain is over until Sunday, but I'll believe it when I see it. Hope you're doing okay. Glad to see you back.
thank heavens for you!! I shake my head and disqualify people immediately this way. I swear if I see someone list "Creole" birds again I'm going to lose it. I've even gotten to the point that I message them just to needle them about it. I'm by no means an authority, but shoot!!!---a quick google will usually answer your question. And, if I'm too lazy to google, I post here!!! :lau
It's just a novice thing that newbies have to learn. Quite often they don't realize at all that they are mistaken. For example, so often I read and hear folks refer to a single Marans chicken as a Maran, but the bird is named after the town of Marans, France, so the word always ends with an "s." OTOH, "Creole" not really that bad if the bird is destined for the gumbo pot. :lol: Even though the word is spelled "Crele," a lot of people pronounce the word as if it rhymes with the word hell, whereas the correct pronunciation rhymes with the word peel. However, most of the time when it comes to spelling and pronunciation mistakes, I just roll with it if I know what the person is talking about. For example, if someone is calling a pullet a hen, or a cockerel a roo or rooster, instead of calling them down on it, I just move along with it. Concerning pronunciation, Lisa is from the town of Natchitoches (pronounced Nack' eh tish), and folks who have not heard the correct pronunciation rarely ever get that one right.
You know I love my Naked Necks. Can you imagine what I do when I see someone advertise that they have Naked Necks and that "they are a cross between a chicken and a turkey!" Yeah, I have been known to text them the truth about their 'product'. LOL!
People probably get confused because one of the alternative names is the Turken (the other being the Transylvanian Naked Neck), and you have to admit, with those naked necks they do sometimes look somewhat between a turkey and a chicken! Penelope actually reminds me of a turkey vulture, but of course much sweeter. LOL
@brucifer i just chalk up my persnickety nature to being plain old mean. Maybe I need a mean, old, crazy chicken lady thread!!! Somehow I know I wouldn't just be talking to myself!!!

Or at least you won't be answering yourself anymore. Those voices in your head must get confusing when they all sound you.
The bantam eggs are big mixes sorry
Both the tiny hen eggs I got were fertile and are going strong! So is the LO egg. The BO either wasn't fertile or quit early though.

I have 38 eggs left in the incubator and I'm very excited for them to hatch!

I have left 3 JG eggs (your friend I think, Flower?) 1 wellsummer, 5 of Flowers (I'm secretly hoping for a NN this time, don't tell my fiance! ;), and 4 of Katdars. Sadly neither of the showgirls made it. I don't remember who brought them, but I was looking forward to them. The rest are from my hens. Should be an interesting group!

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