I understand your policy & as I was saying, I am simply trying to pass on information that I wish I had had prior to my first hatch. I don't care who you are---I think the instinct to save is there. We all modify our positions over time, but at least being armed with the best information allows you to make clutch decisions more intelligently.
...you're not hyperventilating or something else related to being a hatchaholic are you liv? You do it any way you want to; we all have our ways that we see our "chickens thang". We are so glad you are among us; your enthusiasm and creative gifts are a joy to observe!
...you're not hyperventilating or something else related to being a hatchaholic are you liv? You do it any way you want to; we all have our ways that we see our "chickens thang". We are so glad you are among us; your enthusiasm and creative gifts are a joy to observe!

I kind of am a woman on the edge right now. In light of zero efforts to talk me out of it, I candled at day 3.5 today from the new mini bator---7 of 7 white polish eggs are spider webby and look good. I tried to look into a few in the maxi and was disappointed to see less, but I am not as used to looking into the relatively darker shells of the CL, Isbar & Orp eggs. I decided to quit and wait until Friday night which is true day 7.

My father-in-law has mentioned that I am the first in the family to reach the higher calling of our last name, so I may be a bit touchy. I don't try to save them all, but I am a research-a-holic as well and when I buy eggs I really feel like it's my duty to be as diligent as a broody hen.

My goals for this hatch are to open the incubator less & intervene less. I will also make sure that whatever happens not to give @brucifer any chick that gets a helping hand. ;)
Dose anyone in the middle Ga area have any cemani ayams for sale?? My wife love these birds I would like to add some to our flock for her.
There is a person in Hawkinsville that has some AC chicks for sale. (See craigslist ad below.) However, if you're okay with a breed that looks very similar to Cemani (carry the same black gene) but is slightly smaller, you may want to give Orchard Hills Poultry a call (678-603-0631). They are located in Griffin and currently have the Swedish Black Hen breed (Svart Hona) on sale. (See craigslist ad on very bottom.) Hope this helps. Best of luck.

I kind of am a woman on the edge right now. In light of zero efforts to talk me out of it, I candled at day 3.5 today from the new mini bator---7 of 7 white polish eggs are spider webby and look good. I tried to look into a few in the maxi and was disappointed to see less, but I am not as used to looking into the relatively darker shells of the CL, Isbar & Orp eggs. I decided to quit and wait until Friday night which is true day 7.

My father-in-law has mentioned that I am the first in the family to reach the higher calling of our last name, so I may be a bit touchy. I don't try to save them all, but I am a research-a-holic as well and when I buy eggs I really feel like it's my duty to be as diligent as a broody hen.

My goals for this hatch are to open the incubator less & intervene less. I will also make sure that whatever happens not to give @brucifer any chick that gets a helping hand. ;)
There is a person in Hawkinsville that has some AC chicks for sale. (See craigslist ad below.) However, if you're okay with a breed that looks very similar to Cemani (carry the same black gene) but is slightly smaller, you may want to give Orchard Hills Poultry a call (678-603-0631). They are located in Griffin and currently have the Swedish Black Hen breed (Svart Hona) on sale. (See craigslist ad on very bottom.) Hope this helps. Best of luck.
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I would view the Hawkinsville lead with caution. Of course, I'm a bit of a breed snob and had an exchange with the guy because he couldn't be straight with me about whether he had Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers. IMO, if you can't spell the breed name, don't try to sell it.

Having had experience with Orchard Hill, seen their facility, hatched their eggs and communicated with them a lot, I do think they are on the up and up. I know some of us have had high rates of infertility with eggs from them, etc... but I truly believe their hearts are in the right place and they have more than made right with me for those that were infertile by giving me a dozen replacements which is more than I paid for to start with. I would expect their Svart Honas to be good quality.
There is a person in Hawkinsville that has some AC chicks for sale. (See craigslist ad below.) However, if you're okay with a breed that looks very similar to Cemani (carry the same black gene) but is slightly smaller, you may want to give Orchard Hills Poultry a call (678-603-0631). They are located in Griffin and currently have the Swedish Black Hen breed (Svart Hona) on sale. (See craigslist ad on very bottom.) Hope this helps. Best of luck.
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View attachment 1033452[/QUOTE
I will check out the links thank you. Definitely going to check out the other breeds also. I have never heard of those. I am still a newbie though. Thanks again.
I would view the Hawkinsville lead with caution. Of course, I'm a bit of a breed snob and had an exchange with the guy because he couldn't be straight with me about whether he had Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers. IMO, if you can't spell the breed name, don't try to sell it.

Having had experience with Orchard Hill, seen their facility, hatched their eggs and communicated with them a lot, I do think they are on the up and up. I know some of us have had high rates of infertility with eggs from them, etc... but I truly believe their hearts are in the right place and they have more than made right with me for those that were infertile by giving me a dozen replacements which is more than I paid for to start with. I would expect their Svart Honas to be good quality.
I've head bad things about the Hawkinsville place myself. I've never delt with them so I can't say for sure.
I kind of am a woman on the edge right now. In light of zero efforts to talk me out of it, I candled at day 3.5 today from the new mini bator---7 of 7 white polish eggs are spider webby and look good. I tried to look into a few in the maxi and was disappointed to see less, but I am not as used to looking into the relatively darker shells of the CL, Isbar & Orp eggs. I decided to quit and wait until Friday night which is true day 7.

My father-in-law has mentioned that I am the first in the family to reach the higher calling of our last name, so I may be a bit touchy. I don't try to save them all, but I am a research-a-holic as well and when I buy eggs I really feel like it's my duty to be as diligent as a broody hen.

My goals for this hatch are to open the incubator less & intervene less. I will also make sure that whatever happens not to give @brucifer any chick that gets a helping hand. ;)
AMEN my Sistuh!
I've head bad things about the Hawkinsville place myself. I've never delt with them so I can't say for sure.
We have family there & my farm partner lives in Hawkinsville...I think she said something like he's harmless but maybe not what you'd call a real breeder. Nobody wants to stir the pot, but when you get a vibe, it's best to avoid. The Svart Hona is a beautiful bird. If you'd like the OH contact info, just PM me.

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