Can someone help me with a link to getting NPIP approved? I sent an email to what I thought was the right contact and have heard nothing back. Appreciate any help.
You got $250 for 3 birds? Good Lord! I knew those were uncommon, but I didn't realize they were that uncommon. Were these show birds or are they just that rare?

If you look at Cackles hatchery, they are selling Ayam Cemanis for $99 for day old chicks. If you look at breeder websites, the ACs sell for $200 for chicks and $500 for 6-8 week olds. The ACs are really different. They have black feathers, black combs and wattles, black skin, black meat, black bones and muscles.
I gave the guy a great deal. $200 for a pair of 3 month olds plus another rooster for $50. I kept a pair.
They have black feathers, black combs and wattles, black skin, black meat, black bones and muscles.
I gave the guy a great deal. $200 for a pair of 3 month olds plus another rooster for $50. I kept a pair.

Flower, I hope what I said didn't come across as you overcharging the person. I didn't mean it that way at all. I just didn't realize they were that high dollar, that's all. I hope I didn't offend you.

I think it's cool that those birds not only have a black outside, but everything black on the inside as well. Very strange bird indeed. I'd like to see one of those butchered just to see what the internals look like, but that'd be a pretty expensive butchering. :)
Hey y'all, does that candling class the state teach (or whoever it is who does it) just show you how to candle eggs, or do they teach you *everything* you need to know to be able to sell eggs in the state of GA? Like handling, washing, refrigeration, etc? So if you get that certification, you're legal to sell eggs in GA? I hope to start selling next year and want to get signed up for the class, but didn't know if that was all I needed to do.

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