Thank you Sonya and Flower for your input on the sex of my chick. You confirmed what I suspected.
I have been busy in and out of the house today, but stuck home none the less. My hens enjoyed being
outside, so did most of my chicks. My SLW chick is a bit over a week old and she is rotten lol. Her brooder
happens to be a clear tote so she watches us move abt in the living room. When she wants out she paces
back and forth and pecks at the wall. She will sit on my shoulder walk on my chest and arms and peck at me.
Her new trick is fluffing herself in my ponytail!



Have a good night all!:D
We just. Got. Home. Been running since before 0930 this morning, and just now back lol. My poor son is exhausted and has a tummy ache. :( I'm showering and hitting the hay!!
I was just thinking that too. Everyone must have been out enjoying the sunshine. 

Wow was quiet today!

I did farm chores and was grooming for the first part of it, then got a call from the little zookeeper to invite me to meet her and Mr. Zoo at the movie theatre. After that, I went back to the farm for evening rounds with the little zookeeper. We were joined by her big sister, the assistant zookeeper, who is in town so that we can ride with her to pick up her guide dog puppy in training tomorrow :). The new girl will be a Black Lab named Odyssey. We're so very excited!
Well I got my two bantam hens yesterday! They are both quite tame. They strutted in and took over the coop in less than 20 minutes (other birds are three 9 week old standard chicks and a 7 month old OEG bantam hen).

Very pleased with them! No fighting, the other birds were a bit taken back by these two. The red banded one quickly decided to go in the coop and check it out, the chicks briefly tried to stop her from going in THEIR coop but she told them to "Get out of her way so no one gets hurt" and they sure did. She went right into one of the nest boxes and laid an egg about 15 minutes later.

Also it is a good thing I got them, the breeder said I was doing him a favor by taking them as they are about 4 years old and and would have been sold by a friend of his at the Gainesville auction for a couple of bucks otherwise. He didn't charge me but I wanted to give him something in return, didn't know what would be a good thank you gift for a stranger and then I realized there is one thing all good ole' redneck boys like -- ammunition! So I gave him 60 rounds of .223 and he was very pleased.

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