ok this is what I have 3 pips, one blue one dark brown so BCM and I think one of my RIR the first two are from flower I got from the swap on the 14th, so no chickies yet but I went to the TSC in Rome and this is what jumped into my buggie, 2 pullets yellow and who knows what kind, (the girl working the chickens didn't know much about them) 2 bannie silkies with 5 toes, 6 straight run of what ever they had.


before the were put into their nice warm brooder, the two big ones are the pullets, they had Black Australorp I tried to get two, red star, wyndottes,all in one pin so who knows what I will end up with.
ok I'm going to bed as they say a watch pot never boils and this chick is taking entirely too long and the others that have not pipped need to hurry up, and I have a full day tomorrow and will be in and out ohhhhhhh I need a chick/pip sitter,
Got our chickies today! Its crazy how you say you only want 4-5 and end up buying 8. We got 4 Buff Orp's, 2 Black Star's, 1 Rhode Island Red, and 1 Black Australorp. Excited & Ecstatic in Ashburn!!!
It's a sad day when it doe not start with the sound of roosters crowing :( I Hatched out Marans last spring 3 were roosters. One liked seemed just fine about being carried around and even took a brief ride in my car in my lap in our driveway(I had to move the car and he was in my arms-I don't normally drive around with chickens in my lap lol), when asked how he liked it he responded "ERRP" I took that as great can we do it again. They were beautiful and proud but began fighting (badly a times) so I began a rehome search, they went to their new farm home (they are re-establishing a new flock after a move) yesterday and have already been given a new coop and cute names but golly I miss their morning greetings. Now hubby on the other hand does not miss them crowing off and on all night, he is very happy for the peace and quiet (never spent time on a farm growing up obviously). Poor thing lithe does he know I'm on the hunt for Cochin chicks and he never things out these things that there may be a Roo in the mix :)
ok the chick that is really doing it's job I can see a peak of black feathers so the 3 eggs that are doing what they need to do are all from Flower.  

I still don't have any pips from my 6 eggs. I have to keep reminding myself that I put these in last and that day 21 doesn't really start until tonight. But I am also having trouble with this Eco mini. Without touching it, the temp is all over the place and the humidity got way too high. If this thing has killed my eggs I am gonna be do mad!

Cant wait to see what you hatch!
I still don't have any pips from my 6 eggs. I have to keep reminding myself that I put these in last and that day 21 doesn't really start until tonight. But I am also having trouble with this Eco mini. Without touching it, the temp is all over the place and the humidity got way too high. If this thing has killed my eggs I am gonna be do mad!

Cant wait to see what you hatch!
I have 6 more pips and look what I woke up to this am

It looks so sleepy and it has the shortest beak. I'm so happy. Now I have to go to Dalton to get my Nankin banies and the lady has included 6 hatching eggs for me then on to alabama,scottsville to get my silkies those are the best kind free, lady needed to rehome a pair!!! I so need a teenager this morning, but like you flower my time really didn't start until around 5 pm. Oh the cochin has pipped I am glad I really wanted to see that one, and then I did have an egg that I was not sure if it was alive or not well it pipped so guess it is that is a good thing.

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