Thank you so much for your generous offer. I may have to take you up on it. If everything works out with Mr Rooster. Having chickens in the backyard again is such a temping thought. Thank you again!!!

This is where my girls live!
That's a gorgeous chicken coop. Did you build that yourself? I love it, I want to live there! I had a wonderful coop in FL, I don't think I could make that again. It happened over years. My grandchildren painted murals inside. It was just priceless. The people who bought the house tore it down to make a pool. What a waste! This poor rooster, I feel so sorry for him. Chickens are domesticated birds, they can't survive in the wild. I don't know why anyone would toss him alone the road. He's so sweet too. He comes running toward me when he sees me outside. Thank you for sharing that picture.
That's a gorgeous chicken coop. Did you build that yourself? I love it, I want to live there! I had a wonderful coop in FL, I don't think I could make that again. It happened over years. My grandchildren painted murals inside. It was just priceless. The people who bought the house tore it down to make a pool. What a waste! This poor rooster, I feel so sorry for him. Chickens are domesticated birds, they can't survive in the wild. I don't know why anyone would toss him alone the road. He's so sweet too. He comes running toward me when he sees me outside. Thank you for sharing that picture.

I designed the coop and my DH and friend built it. It was featured on Coop Dream a few years ago. I am sad that your coop got torn down.....mainly because of the kids artwork! We used to go down in the basement our grandparents house and were allowed to do our artwork on one wall. We loved it. (It was one of those old basements....mostly unfinished with concrete walls) but we loved to see our artwork still there as we grew older!

We have found discarted roosters several times in the past few years. One time we found 4 of the most beautiful RIR roosters. They were so healthy! We found them on the side of the road. We didn't do anything at first thinking they belonged to someone, but they were in an area where only one house was. We never saw chickens there before. So everytime we drove by, they were in the same area on the road. For a few weeks or so. All our neighbors commented on them being tossed there. So one day I took a crate and some corn and they just walked right into the crate. I sold them to a lady needing them for her girls!
There was also a rooster loose on the road near Big Canoe. He would stand by the road and if anyone tried to get him, he would run off into the woods. It was obvious he didn't know where to go. After about a month, we no longer saw him. Either someone finally got him, or the coyotes did! I guess people get desperate to get rid of roosters when they have so many. I hate it, but I have some people who will buy my excess roosters when I hatch them and can't sell them.... of course they eat them and it is so sad to me... I literally say to each chick as I put them in the box to go..."I'm so sorry!" I know, I'm ridiculous! But, it sure makes me say a blessing everytime I eat chicken (or cows or pigs or fish,etc) ....to thank it for it's life. I guess I'm such a dork!
No worries, I understand completely and I feel the same way. Thanks so much for telling me about your coop. Your guys did an beautiful job. I've been on the computer for a few hours looking at premade coops. I wish I could make something by myself. This is not a good time for my DH he is busy with work this time of year. Tax time. I work for him too, but I've cut my hours, working my way to retirement. So I thought if I buy a coop without a run, I could make a run by myself, I've done that before. But, I'm worried about the weather, rain and cold. I want to get something that is substantial enough to protect from the weather. That's why I didn't bring my FL chickens. It's in the 90's in South Florida. I couldn't bring them here. They were used to a grassy shady yard. The predators were not so bad. They had a huge run and dusting pen. But here it's different, live in the woods, no grass, no dirt for dusting. I have to get something that can protect a chicken. Not too small in case I do decide to get a couple hens. Last night I couldn't sleep thinking about it. On the brighter side, Mr Rooster looks better today than when I first saw him. He's starting to have shiny feathers.
oh that link was for Flowerbh, but im glad it was helpful to you.

i do want to give my two cents about premade coops becuase i have had a few. first of all, dont buy tractor supply premade coops, iv had nothing but trouble with this one (Producer's Pride Defender Chicken Coop) . it does poorly made and rotted the corner out in less then a year and it has so many leaks that get into the poop tray. (lets just say that this week hasnt been good for me with that)

I would say look into Snap Lock Chicken Coop, i got my on a super sale over on "my pet chicken". iv had my for 3 years and it was the best coop ever (had to move so its packed up and ready to go with me). snapped to geather, alot of room, so so easy to clean and never had a leak. they are also made or located in GA so getting it or if you need a replacement parts, its almost over nighted. I would get a large dog kennle or invest in biulding a run with this one if you ever get hens but its the best premade coop.
oh that link was for Flowerbh, but im glad it was helpful to you.

i do want to give my two cents about premade coops becuase i have had a few. first of all, dont buy tractor supply premade coops, iv had nothing but trouble with this one (Producer's Pride Defender Chicken Coop) . it does poorly made and rotted the corner out in less then a year and it has so many leaks that get into the poop tray. (lets just say that this week hasnt been good for me with that)

I would say look into Snap Lock Chicken Coop, i got my on a super sale over on "my pet chicken". iv had my for 3 years and it was the best coop ever (had to move so its packed up and ready to go with me). snapped to geather, alot of room, so so easy to clean and never had a leak. they are also made or located in GA so getting it or if you need a replacement parts, its almost over nighted. I would get a large dog kennle or invest in biulding a run with this one if you ever get hens but its the best premade coop.

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