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Luck is happenstance and I don't believe in it.  Skill is preserving foods for generations without having any such incidence.  They had large families to help share the work, not to have extras in case they died!  They also had large families because there was not the available birth control.  :lol:   I'm the youngest of nine, my mother and father were both from equally large families and their families before them.  Not because they had to breed to replace dead youngin's!  :gig

Believe all the propaganda you want, those people all over the world who do not have all these USDA rules of food preservation have a much higher population than the US and it's not because they had extras to fill the required "quota of kids" when one would die.  It's because the most hardy and savvy are able to survive long enough to produce more of the same. 

During that common sense period people died.  Guess every period of Earth people have died.  They are still dying.  That does not prove they died from poorly preserved foods!  :rolleyes:  

That is one of the funniest things I have heard lately. They were breeding up "replacement children". lol I want to make a prediction, i believe every single person will die in their lifetime and I believe it will be from heart failure ...when it stops. lol (Well not everybody will die, and you know what I mean. :))
The more I learn about the modern food system here in the USA, the more questions I have about it.

I'd like to think the government is there to "help" industry make safer products for the public so the public can focus on other things. But I think we jumped the shark on that a while ago. Perhaps it was when we started putting more energy into figuring out how to sanitize the poo that spills from the animals during high-speed processing so poo is safe to eat ...

USA Government inspected & properly licensed as "safe" eggs? They've never been tested for anything. The testing is done on the facilities after getting a warning that an inspector is stopping by, not on the eggs or the hens that lay them. In some other modern and safe countries, the flocks are tested for pathogens. Why doesn't the USA test flocks for pathogens instead of "suggesting" that farm-fresh eggs are unsafe because they haven't spent time at a government inspected packaging facility and grocery store supply chain?

I'm willing to believe the government meant well, way back in the days after the book The Jungle was published and blew the lid off the meat packing industry. But that was a long time ago. Things have changed. The industry is ruling the regulations now, and the industry is primarily accountable to shareholders, not to customers.
My personal opinion here is I would listen to food saftey programs from somewhere like Europe or Australia before I listened to the USDA and their bedfellow Monsatan. I also like to use a thing called common sense when I handle my food lol :p
Some of the deadliest outbreaks in recent years have been from organic vegetables from exactly all those "thens" above. ...

The industry answer to unsafe employee behavior is NOT to educate, train, supervise & pay the employees enough to inspire safety (by, say, putting an attendant and wash station between the "dirty world" and the processing area to verify that everyone washes their hands), but to introduce more and more disinfectants to the procedure. Follow the money ... disinfectants are less expensive than skilled labor that is paid enough to care about procedures. But we want our food cheap and shareholders demand ever-increasing profits.
I kid you not, I remember a day there was a semi load of chickens that wrecked. They gathered what chickens they could up and brought them on to the processing plant to process anyway. A lot of the chickens were soaked in diesel but they ran them anyway. The diesel smell was strong inside the plant. ALL of those in charge gave the okay!
What little bit I saw of the Tyson Plant in Noel MO left me with little inclination to work in one. Not to mention listening to the relatives that worked there for many years.
If all of you want something to really be concerned about chew on this... the US Government is bringing in "refugees" from various countries and some of those countries ARE NOT FRIENDLY TO THE USA. Many of those "refugees" are employed where? - at poultry plants and airlines. Check out the "refugee program" and see where those people are coming from. And be sure to read up on the personal hygiene practices that those people bring with them from their country.
Ok, I'll quit. I'm tired of trying to get people to understand points that are grounded in hundreds of years worth of data and they argue back with me by citing "nobody in my family ever died of food poisoning, therefore you're wrong." The plural of anecdote is not data, and I can't have a cogent discussion with people who think it is. Go ahead, use uncomposted manure on your pumpkins and then, why not--your gramma boiling water canned pumpkin butter, you do it too. It's a free country.

You've totally brought me around to your point of view. Nobody in my family ever died of cancer, therefore cancer is a myth and none ever will. Nobody in my family ever got shot through a windshield, therefore seatbelts are useless. Nobody in my family ever got lead poisoning playing in the dirt in that old shooting range, therefore there's no need to remediate the soil. Sigh.
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