You found him....WHERE????

Firefighter Chick

8 Years
May 8, 2011
Southeast Minnesota
This morning I came home from work (I work overnights) and like usual, I let the chickens out to free range. They usually bolt out the door and spread out to eat grass. I watched them go outside and noticed that one was missing. Something seemed amiss. Norman, my EE roo, happily crowed away. His half-brother, Goliath an EE-wyandotte, was missing. But I could hear Goliath. A muffled cock-a-doodle-doo! I searched inside the coop. Nothing. I searched inside the feed bin. nothing. Inside the cat carrier i left outside. Nothing. Then I hear him, he's close. I overturn a rubber storage bin that was upside down. Out bolts poor Goliath. He had been left there all night. My husband didn't hear a peep from him when he closed up the coop at night! Don't worry, Goliath wasn't too mentally scarred. He promptly ran over to Norman, who was mating a hen, grabbed the hen, then mated her next. sheesh...these boys of mine.

Anyone else have stories of stuck chickens?
They weren't necessarily stuck.. but a couple days ago I went out to let the chicks out for the morning and when I walked out to the enclosure Pepper (silver penciled rock) and Psych (silver penciled rock, roo?) were standing outside staring at me. I have no idea how on earth they managed to get out but there they were. I opened the coop door and out ran the others to join them. I'm still trying to figure it out. I was the one who locked them up the previous night and EVERYONE was inside. I'm anal and I count each morning and night.

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