You Have What I Want, I Have What You Want. Lets Swap!!

What I have:
A 50" by 75" handmade crocheted blanket dark gray and teal

What I want:
Fertile Muscovy eggs (parents can be any color or pattern)
Fertile Black Copper Maran Eggs from a good line
Fertile Goose Eggs, from any breed other than African or Chinese

@learycow Would you still have some Muscovy Hatching eggs at some point this year? I live in Western Maine, and would love some!
I am already sold out of muscovy eggs and ducklings for the year. The barred, ripple and looney are in high demand this year!
Location- I live about 30 mins from stillwater Oklahoma
I have a beautiful little white silkie roo and an orange buff silkie roo I need to find good homes for.
Want: hens

While passing by the KAHOOTS in Norco California, I noticed a sign out front that read; Got Chicks?
So naturally, I had to stop in and see what they had going on.
They had 9 different breeds, WOW, and one type was exactly what I was looking for; Brahma

I asked the employee if it was possible to sex them, because I wanted to get a male and female.
She said they try to purchase pullets from breeders, but you never know, some happen to be males.

She told me it's not a positive identification, but that usually male chicks have longer pinfeathers on the wings.
So she picked one that definitely had longer wing feathers.

Well this little guy/gal is now 3 weeks old, and taking on characteristics that truly identify the breed.
It's now got a little tuft on it's head, the wings and boots are twice as long as the Brahma chick, the tail feathers stick up tall, and while admiring the boots, I noticed this chick has 5 toes!?!..... Definitely not a Brahma.

After checking KAHOOTS availability list for chicks at that time, and doing research on the possible breeds,
I've come to the conclusion that this little chick could only be a; White Sultan!

Well, though it's a cute little chick, it doesn't fit into my plan of breeding pure bloodline Light Brahmas.

So, is there anyone in, or near Anaheim California, looking for an exhibition type Pet White Sultan Chicken,
recognized by American Standard of Perfection, considered a sustainable heritage chicken breed,
and who's American Livestock Breeds Conservancy status is; Critical?

Let me know if this little chick can fit into your Family.

A Brahma chick would make a great trade - but I'm really just hoping I can find someone who would like to raise a Sultan - in my area for pick-up.

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