You know it's cold when...


14 Years
Mar 8, 2008
Southwest Missouri
Your guineas let you pet them rather than running to get out of the coop in the morning!

And it's not even that cold here compared to other places. It was around 5 above that morning, not counting wind chill.
it was 71° F here today
You are so right! How funny. All of my guineas are freaked by the snow outside - it took them several days to even walk out to check it out.
My two guinea boys will follow the rooster to the ends of the earth and you'd think they did just that when their feet first hit the snow. They were dipping and dodging, bobbing and weaving all the time yelling their heads off. It was the funniest thing you ever saw. They were raised with the 3 hens and 1 roo (all barred rock) and are about 8 months old. When the roo goes out they all follow, those guinea's hate the snow but love their roo more!!!

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