You know you are "Country" when...

open the hatch on the van to load the incubator and find a turkey in the van when you come out
You know you are "Country" when....

You wake in the morning and find the neighbor's cows in your yard and your response is picking up the cow pies to put in your garden.
...when you "used" to wear your houseshoes to the mud room to put on your muck boots but now have to wear "other" shoes to get your muck boots cause the mud room now has toooooo much "muck" for the houseshoes.
when youve seen your dad, more than once, run out the door wearing only tighty whiteys, boots and carrying a shot gun.

when your driving down the road and you can identify the animals on the farm you passed by the scent in the air

and as for not having a house key, i was just telling my son yesterday about how we didnt have a house key and i had to shove my sister in the window to go unlock the door when we got locked out by accident.
Just another one about me and my country life

but you are from the country when you have 4 rifles in your windows in your 83 dodge ram charger, get pulled over by the sheriff and the sheriff says , nice rifles , what kind are they and let you go with a "Nice Gun Rack" on a ticket with no fine at all
how about when you see a car coming up the drive and you yell to the wife honey put some panties on and put your teeth in we got company.

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