You know you are "Country" when...

I assign loving this thread! We don't live in the country (yet), but we sure act it. We eat the raspberries right off the plant ( you guys should've seen the helicopter mom's face when my son did it in front of her), I'm the crazy neighbor... I go out to clean the coop in flip flops and jammies in the mornings, cup of coffee in hand. Dig through poopy bedding without a second thought, and my backyard is half garden half chicken playground. We can't wait to buy some land! Hubby has decided that he wants to raise goats, and i can't wait!

I have a bad habit of LEAVING my coffee cup in the coop...or garden...or on tractor tires.. As long as there's no poo, or a fly taking a bath, I migggght still sip on it when I find it later lol ;)

You know you're country when.....

A gigantic colony of hornets has taken residence in your mudroom wall. It's actually pretty fun to put your ear up and listen to the humming! :p

You use the broken in wall on your 100 or more year-old barn as a trampoline to jump on. I've done this so much lately that the posts broke.....;)

You traipse all over the cornfields around your house to find chicks that have roamed too far from the coop. Not only were they wandering up the road, but I had to walk through a ton of "corn spiders" to get to them. UGH!!!!!


Oh you would love it here lol... We get Wolf spiders the size of mice; we feed them and let them keep big beautiful webs all over... Lol we found a mother last fall covered with babies!! It was awesome ha-ha :D

We love our spiders just as much as our snakes! ;)
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I assign loving this thread! We don't live in the country (yet), but we sure act it. We eat the raspberries right off the plant ( you guys should've seen the helicopter mom's face when my son did it in front of her), I'm the crazy neighbor... I go out to clean the coop in flip flops and jammies in the mornings, cup of coffee in hand. Dig through poopy bedding without a second thought, and my backyard is half garden half chicken playground. We can't wait to buy some land! Hubby has decided that he wants to raise goats, and i can't wait!

Yes, by all means, buy some land! Move to the county and never look back. You'll love it! My DH also plans to raise goats. We just haven't gotten around to buying any yet, so for now, it's just chickens and ducks.
Yes, by all means, buy some land! Move to the county and never look back. You'll love it! My DH also plans to raise goats. We just haven't gotten around to buying any yet, so for now, it's just chickens and ducks.

I'd love to get Kinder goats and Assaf sheep. Google them.

I think it's ridiculous to have a big house and tiny yard. I'd rather live in a small cabin/shack/hut/cottage/yurt on big land.
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I'd love to get Kinder goats and Assaf sheep. Google them.

I think it's ridiculous to have a big house and tiny yard. I'd rather live in a small cabin/shack/hut/cottage/yurt on big land.
We got "lucky" with our house and have the biggest yard. But it's still small compared to what i want... Laaaaaaaaaand!
I have a bad habit of LEAVING my coffee cup in the coop...or garden...or on tractor tires.. As long as there's no poo, or a fly taking a bath, I migggght still sip on it when I find it later lol

Oh you would love it here lol... We get Wolf spiders the size of mice; we feed them and let them keep big beautiful webs all over... Lol we found a mother last fall covered with babies!! It was awesome ha-ha

We love our spiders just as much as our snakes!
Oh my goodness! I think I would have a heart attack if I saw a wolf spider that huge.
We may be country, but I still have yet to get used to big, hairy spiders. Now, snakes on the other hand, I just so happen to LOVE them; a Ringneck snake would make me a great pet someday.

I'd love to get Kinder goats and Assaf sheep. Google them.

I think it's ridiculous to have a big house and tiny yard. I'd rather live in a small cabin/shack/hut/cottage/yurt on big land.

Amen to that! We searched for a small home with lots of land but ended up with a huge home on just 3 acres. Originally looked into putting an off-grid cabin in our much-larger woods. Who knows, maybe someday...

Oh, and I will definitely Google those with DH. Thank you!
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Amen to that! We searched for a small home with lots of land but ended up with a huge home on just 3 acres. Originally looked into putting an off-grid cabin in our much-larger woods. Who knows, maybe someday...

Oh, and I will definitely Google those with DH. Thank you!

The cabin idea is cool. Three acres is a very nice size for your startup. To get what you were originally looking for you would probably have to buy just a piece of land and put a small dwelling on it. It's common now for people to divide their farms and sell off parcels of land. I've even seen rich people buy land and live for a couple of years in a travel trailer while their homes were being built.

I would love to have a barn with small living quarters on top. I've heard that it's very common in Germany for people to live above their animal barn or stable. People think it would stink, but horse barns never stink unless you feed a lot.of alfalfa, which horses do not need to eat. I only knew one racehorse trainer who added alfalfa to the other hay, but that barn didn't stink. Out west they feed way too much alfalfa, for whatever reason, so the barn smell is strong.
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