You know you are "Country" when...

You know you're country when....

You're mowing the yard with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding an egg.

I had another country person moment today.

You know you're country when....

You are out in the yard and find yourself eating an apple, picking pears, carrying a freshly laid egg and chick waterer all at the same time.

And just how many hands do you have?

You know you're "country" when you couldn't care less that not ONE of your 30+ windows has window treatments on it and you walk around half-naked most of the time because 1) nobody's going to see you and 2) even if they DID see you, you're so ugly they wouldn't give you a second glance.
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I had another country person moment today.

You know you're country when....

You are out in the yard and find yourself eating an apple, picking pears, carrying a freshly laid egg and chick waterer all at the same time. :)


This is where you take your shirt, pull it up and bunch it under your armpits, tuck the egg under one armpit, waterer in the crook of the elbow, and pears in the "basket" made from your shirt!
(And you get a free hand to eat with ha-ha)

I'm always having to do that; I'm too lazy to go back to the house and get my bucket, even though I KNOW I'll be out in the garden eventually; you'd think I would leave it there, but no.... Shirt works better lol ;)

You know you're country when....

You're mowing the yard with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding an egg. :p


They also make these things,... Called "egg baskets" :p

And just how many hands do you have? :lau

You know you're "country" when you couldn't care less that not ONE of your 30+ windows has window treatments on it and you walk around half-naked most of the time because 1) nobody's going to see you and 2) even if they DID see you, you're so ugly they wouldn't give you a second glance.

Lol back when I was first starting out, new hubby, new little house in town... I did NOT realize how much of an effect growing up with no peeping toms was ROFL... Hubs CONSTANTLY hollering at me to "put some dang clothes on, the neighbors can see!"

Ugh lol... Never happier to get back out of the city lol; now I can hike my t shirt up to my neck gathering tomatoes and eggs, and the only thing I'm possibly offending is the birds :D
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And just how many hands do you have?

You know you're "country" when you couldn't care less that not ONE of your 30+ windows has window treatments on it and you walk around half-naked most of the time because 1) nobody's going to see you and 2) even if they DID see you, you're so ugly they wouldn't give you a second glance.

That's me!!! Except...well...I don't walk around naked much but when I do, I don't try to hide it from the window. I figure anyone hiking that far back in the holler at night gets exactly what they deserve when they spy me naked....permanent retinal scarring.
You're country if.....

You go past your neighbors and notice your ladder, tiller, or any other equipment being used there and aren't shocked no one asked to borrow it. They know where it is stored, it will return when they are finished.
You know your country when....

1) You can go 2 years without talking to a neighbor (typically only when the chickens wander over!).
2) Your family will not hesitate to pee in the
3) You have more barn shoes then 'good' shoes!!

What a lovely funny thread!

You know you're in the country when:

1) Your neighbor rides by on a horse while you're out watering in your pajamas
2) You wonder what "that" car is doing on your street
3) You haven't set an alarm clock in years, the neighborhood flocks wake you up gently at daybreak
4) After a rain, your friends ask if your road is ok before they come over
5) The sound of a car horn startles you
Agreed, Mutt Farm! This thread is downright hilarious...the pee your pants, tears running down your cheeks kind of hilarious!

You know you're country when you're walking through Rural King with your two-year-old son who's chomping and sucking on a foot-long piece of tasseled grass, you spot an oversized chocolate-caramel-nut candy patty called a "Cow Pie," and the VERY FIRST thing you think of is the "you know you are country when" thread on BYC (ahem...shortgrass!!!)
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