You know you are "Country" when...

... And you understand the difference between square bales and round bales. And hay vs wheat straw vs barley straw.

Actually had someone question that when I was discussing picking up some hay from someone on here and asked in the thread to clarify what I was getting. Someone asked what else there was beside square. Those round bales don't fit in my Jeep ;)

Yes! I've had so many of my friends think oat straw was hay and vice versa. :lol:

When you go to church and suddenly realize that you have chicken crap on your pants and horse hair on your shirt.
ooh, do you have horses??
I love horses.....
I have done the EXACT SAME THING!!! LOL!!!
You aren't a real farmer until you have done that at least 5 times.....

you really must have 4 hands!!
(ok- if you do really have 4 hands, so do I, none of us are not guilty here of doing just that!)

That, in a nutshell, is why I avoid giving chickens baths at (almost) ALL COSTS.
Ha ha ha! I DO have four hands, because how could I manage such a feat with only two?

Yes, by all means, RUN AWAY at all costs from the concept of bathing chickens! Nothing but bad comes from it. Bubbles wouldn't look quite right if he were "Angelfied", right?

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Ha ha ha! I DO have four hands, because how could I manage such a feat with only two?

Yes, by all means, RUN AWAY at all costs from the concept of bathing chickens! Nothing but bad comes from it. Bubbles wouldn't look quite right if he were "Angelfied", right?


actually, he can't look any worse. i just rubbed him ALL OVER in wood ash trying to get rid of a heavy mite infestation!!!
now I know not to bathe him to make him look better.......
Sadly no. (Not yet anyways.
) I take riding lessons often and also help my friend out with her three horses. (I've been taking riding lessons since I was 9 or 10, now I'm in my teens. But it seems like there's always more to learn!)

aww. I have to take lessons too, as sadly, my current position won't allow me to have horses.

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