You know you are "Country" when...

actually, he can't look any worse. i just rubbed him ALL OVER in wood ash trying to get rid of a heavy mite infestation!!!
now I know not to bathe him to make him look better.......
Well, he'll soon look normal again.

Yeah.....right, "better".
Angel sure doesn't look "better" in spite of my efforts.
I've got one dingy Rock.

Well, he'll soon look normal again.

Yeah.....right, "better".
Angel sure doesn't look "better" in spite of my efforts.
I've got one dingy Rock.

oh good, because when I rubbed him with that stuff he looked worse than the time he free-ranged on a rainy day!
You know you're country when.....

You have crickets bigger than your big toe living in the mudroom.

You have 3 or more Spring Peepers hanging on the kitchen window every night.

You're mowing through the orchard on a breezy day with fermented apple and pear "wine" spraying all over you.

When you have to occasionally stop and dump all the stuff out of your boots, hay, dirt, bit of poop, rocks, then you put your boot back on and keep going.
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