You know you are "Country" when...

Yup! Except I call it "Putting the ladies to bed".
Lol! Yeah I go outside late at night usually in my PJ's and crocks with a flash light and close the door.
In the morning when I let 'em out they all chase after me, there totally like "HEY DUDE GIMME SOME BREAKFAST!"
When you say crik and no one knows what your talking about

There is a difference between a crik and a creek. A creek is bigger
Oh and when you work in a department store and you talk to your customers about your cockerel named poopy butt and then they come back in asking how poopy butt is doing :-D
When you say crik and no one knows what your talking about

There is a difference between a crik and a creek. A creek is bigger

Lol yep ;) the DITCH is what we irrigate out of, the CREEK is the one that the ducks swim in, the RIVER is where we fish, the CANAL is where we swim, unless it's the "drops", a spot where the outlet goes back into the river.... Oh and "outlet" and "inlet", don't swim in the "inlet"...

No cricks until spring rains, then cricks become creeks really fast lol :D
You have to drive 5 miles to a neighboring farm to hand deliver a rooster, and you catch yourself trying to look normal going down the highway with a rooster on your lap, and a sheriff deputy neighbor that's going to see you without a seatbelt on with expired tags and pull you over just to ask about the rooster,....and your folks :D
So, I've read thru this thread & I see you all have seen the photos hubby got of me in my crocks and pjs!
Sorry about that.... In my defense, I did not know he set up the hunting camera there! Not my fault.

You know you are country when people no longer ask about your welfare, nor the welfare of your family. They just ask:


When you are walking through the local grocery store with modern top 40 music blaring, and you ask yourself if someone had knocked over a floor display of Spam...

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