You know you are "Country" when...

This is where you take your shirt, pull it up and bunch it under your armpits, tuck the egg under one armpit, waterer in the crook of the elbow, and pears in the "basket" made from your shirt!
(And you get a free hand to eat with ha-ha)

I'm always having to do that; I'm too lazy to go back to the house and get my bucket, even though I KNOW I'll be out in the garden eventually; you'd think I would leave it there, but no.... Shirt works better lol

They also make these things,... Called "egg baskets"

Lol back when I was first starting out, new hubby, new little house in town... I did NOT realize how much of an effect growing up with no peeping toms was ROFL... Hubs CONSTANTLY hollering at me to "put some dang clothes on, the neighbors can see!"

Ugh lol... Never happier to get back out of the city lol; now I can hike my t shirt up to my neck gathering tomatoes and eggs, and the only thing I'm possibly offending is the birds
Those shirt "fruit baskets" sure are great for trips to the orchard! And if you're lucky enough to be wearing one of your husband's frumpy old "holey-r than thou" t-shirts with a pocket that's just big enough to hold a couple of freshly laid eggs from your stop-over at the coop, you've REALLY got it made!
I love this thread. I know we're in the country when Roo mounts one of his hens and the little girl who is visiting asks what he's doing? "Mating" says my companion. "Uhhh, showing how strong he is," says the mother of the little girl and makes a hasty retreat.
Also, I doubt my country courage when I get up in the morning, go out and pull the pop door and run like hell so Roo won't peck me. Why do they wake up in such a bad mood? Hungry? Horny? and Mean.
Speaking of road apples... You're country when this is debated on the news, road apples vs doggie doo. And it's a top story. Http://
You know, this thread rotates around poop an AWFUL lot.... :D Seriously. Road apples... The things city folk whine about...they're Amish leave them alone lol... :p I like horse poop, :) it reminds me of stepping in it all the time with fresh polished boots....
I love this thread. I know we're in the country when Roo mounts one of his hens and the little girl who is visiting asks what he's doing? "Mating" says my companion. "Uhhh, showing how strong he is," says the mother of the little girl and makes a hasty retreat. Also, I doubt my country courage when I get up in the morning, go out and pull the pop door and run like hell so Roo won't peck me. Why do they wake up in such a bad mood? Hungry? Horny? and Mean.
Ahhhhh and mating!! I don't have to have the "bird and bee" talk with my kids! :D .. My folks didn't either lol... "Ya see that bull over there on that cow? That's what makes a calf." ..."thanks dad, but I'm only 5"... Poop. And mating. Only country people find this kind of thing entertaining or even somewhat normal to discuss on s daily basis ;)
That's IT!!! Invent the candy road apple AND write that book! Shortgrass will be every hick kid's hero!
ROFL I'm getting to work on the candy :D Someone already beat me to the book, its called "Everybody poops"... Hahaha :p
Lol @Mutt Farm THIS thread is the only place my weirdness can shine bright and I don't get picked on ROFL. .

I'm usually embarrassed by my poopy boots and need for a constant barn fix.

We have this thing going on in a local town... A celebration of sorts... A harvest festival... Centered around sugar beets.

Hicks? Maybe... An excuse to get a $5 corn dog and a giant metal sculpture of a rooster? Hicks with money...yeah lol...

You know you're country when the whole TOWN puts together a FAIR with 100 booths of glittery cowgirl purses and wooden cows and windmill art and $5 corn dogs.... Over a BEET.

(And yes, I ate too many grebbles and spent too much money...and I didn't even get the giant steel rooster :D )
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Let the weirdness shine!!!

I'm actually a rather serious person, but this thread does something to me...

You know you're country when something is rotting in the state of Denmark...and something is rotting in your basement, too. And it smells ungodly. But you never go down there to find out what "it" is. You just kind of assume it's a dead mouse or something like that. It will eventually shrivel up and stop stinking.
A discussion with the neighbor goes like...
Me: wonder if you could do me a favor

Her (a college professor): yeah, sure.

Me: Could you pick something up for me up the road from your college in two months?

Her: animal? What kind?

Me: two goats, they'll fit in your SUV, they're small.

Her: cool, sure, no problem. Let me know where.
I go out to wander in the yard and check on things. Come back with my shirt rolled up around eggs or veggies. I have shot squirrels out of my front window.
Same here on all counts, but on my property, it's groundhogs and coons. I've shot at many a groundhog from my back deck and have yet to hit one.
These days, I leave the job to my husband. He's a gifted marksman and VERY rarely needs to use that second bullet.

You know, this thread rotates around poop an AWFUL lot....

Seriously. Road apples... The things city folk whine about...they're Amish leave them alone lol...

I like horse poop,
it reminds me of stepping in it all the time with fresh polished boots....
Ahhhhh and mating!! I don't have to have the "bird and bee" talk with my kids!
.. My folks didn't either lol... "Ya see that bull over there on that cow? That's what makes a calf." ..."thanks dad, but I'm only 5"...

Poop. And mating. Only country people find this kind of thing entertaining or even somewhat normal to discuss on s daily basis

ROFL I'm getting to work on the candy

Someone already beat me to the book, its called "Everybody poops"... Hahaha
Well, it's definitely "normal" in MY family!!! Just recently, we had an appointment with our family doc's newly hired nurse practitioner. She came in the room all young and bubbly, and within minutes, we all started laughing about poop and gas. A week later, we had another appointment...this time, with our family doc. While chatting, he casually asked, "So, where do you guys live?" Since we drive over an hour to his office, we assumed he wouldn't have a clue, but we asked him if he knew where that was. His response??? "Oh, yeah, that's where (nurse practitioner's name) is from." Yep...should've known she was a country girl!

Lol @Mutt Farm THIS thread is the only place my weirdness can shine bright and I don't get picked on ROFL. .

I'm usually embarrassed by my poopy boots and need for a constant barn fix.

We have this thing going on in a local town... A celebration of sorts... A harvest festival... Centered around sugar beets.

Hicks? Maybe... An excuse to get a $5 corn dog and a giant metal sculpture of a rooster? Hicks with money...yeah lol...

You know you're country when the whole TOWN puts together a FAIR with 100 booths of glittery cowgirl purses and wooden cows and windmill art and $5 corn dogs.... Over a BEET.

(And yes, I ate too many grebbles and spent too much money...and I didn't even get the giant steel rooster
Everything's better with beets! My grandpa loved them so much, we'd park the bowl right in front of his seat at the table. And if you even dared to touch "his" beets, you'd get the evil eye. Good times...

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