You know you are "Country" when...

Gives a bit of a different meaning to "Dirt in the Skirt"

My DH was one of those "nekkid" in the summertime kids that learned early thanks to outdoor peeing. When my MIL suggested this I liked the idea but wondered what others would think...glad to know it's accepted here!

You know you're country when someone makes a half-hearted joke about cooking a raccoon they caught in their chicken coop and you know just where to find at least 5 recipes. Included in the same spot is the instructions on how to process it. This was me about a week ago! I scanned and emailed the pages for another BYC'er.
When you accidentally leave your car door open and then go out later to close it and find chickens inside the car behind the steering wheel and in the back seat.

My nine year old son walks out the front door to pee every school day. The bathroom is less than 6' from his bedroom door, but he has to go pee in the yard.

Of course my husband says he'd never buy a house that didn't have a yard far enough from the neighbors to pee in so maybe it's a guy thing.
Gives a bit of a different meaning to "Dirt in the Skirt"

My DH was one of those "nekkid" in the summertime kids that learned early thanks to outdoor peeing. When my MIL suggested this I liked the idea but wondered what others would think...glad to know it's accepted here!

Same son the pees in the front yard every morning was almost 3 before he was "potty trained." However, he was house trained before he turned 1. Hated the toliet, but would strip off and never have an accident as long as he could get outside. His sister is 6 years older and would get so embarrased when her friends came over. I'd tell her, honey that's why we don't live in town.
I was a cheerleader sponsor when my 11 yo son was 3. We were at a game and he told me he had to go tinkle. I turned my head to yell at hubs to come get him and then turned back around and the kid had already dropped his trousers and was peeing in front of the WHOLE little league f'ball team and their parents AND the little cheerleaders! Just like we taught him!!!
This thread is soooooooooooo funny! I just love the country, so glad we moved to it 2 years ago... rubber boots have become my everyday shoes, lol
Me and my hubby have been thinking about haveing kids for sometime and when we got our chickens we gave them the names we had picked out for our childeren. I guess we will try them out on the girls first

MOM! Dad says I was named after a chicken!!!

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