You know you are "Country" when...

.....When your main vehicle is a Kawaski Mule.

And you also have 2 other 4x4 pickups to get you off the road and up the hill to your place!
thats no so bad, my sister was named after a goat

and for the little boys peeing outside, heck its been going on for generations. I was told that was the easiest way to train boys. Except when we moved to town when my oldest was 4 and I caught him peeing in the bushes.
When you are at the bank and your two yr. old grandson announces "Granny, I got to poo-poo" I said "ok--let's go" and he says to the lady at the counter "I get to go poo-poo outside"... And gets upset when you tell him NO!

When you send more time chicken (fill in your favorite animal) watching than watching TV.

When you go to get hay and you end up cleaning out the stalls at a friends horse farm.. You think you hit 'pay-dirt' for the garden! She thought it was wonderful..

You lock the back door and leave the front and side door open because intruders would have to go thru the fenced area w/ four large hounds and four Dachshunds to get to the house!!

You go to eat at the Olive Garden and after you get out, you notice there is a gas can, rake, weed eater and the huge bag of trash (that you forgot to take to the dump on the way to eat)--sitting in the back of your truck!!!

You hang clothes on the line before your morning shower and take them off the line, before the dew falls...

You have a ton of buckets sitting everywhere, that are used for EVERYTHING!!
Hmmm... Would this apply?

When you don't have a washer or dryer but have devised a system of washing clothes, sheets, blankets, etc. in the bathtub and use a (clean) plunger to "agitate" the soapy water because it pushes and pulls the water through the fabric so you can wring them out and hang them on the line, all because you don't feel it necessary to waste the money at the laundromat!

My dh laughs at me when I tell him I'm gonna go "plunge" laundry!


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