You know you are "Country" when...

Ohh i do that all the time! Ducks dont mind a bit. LOL. My neighbors give me weird stares though when they see me walk out at 6 am in nothing but mud boots, a robe, and my hair soaking wet to round up the ducks before i leave for school.
Oh my word I love you people! Are you living my life? Let me see...we don't lock the house. I think the realtor handed us one when we bought the place but haven't seen it since. We don't lock our vehicles...and you don't wanna know the outlandish things I have worn out to the chickens.

Now I am thinking about my dh's grandparents. Whenever it was time to go to town, Russell would exclaim, "Velma, put your glad rags on, we're goin' to town!"

From time to time I hear the same from my dh, "Penny put your glad rags on, we're going to town!" Actually...come to think of it, when he says it he calls me Velma...

I thought that was a regional term! We say the same thing here, and so did my great-grandma!

When you sit on the ground so the chickens can pick the beggar lice off your pants.

When you feel that so proud of all the canning jars full of this year's harvest.

When you own as many dogs, cats, and horses as the local rescues.

When you acquire a new family member (aka a pet) frequently because of drop offs, or someone calling you saying so and so told them you might be interested in____ .(fill in the blank with another animal)

When your animals have eaten before you have. Growing up, we were taught to make sure ALL animals had been fed before we sat at the table to eat. If they hadn't, you didn't eat until you fed them!

When a chick really does mean a chick, and not a female person!!
I washed my clothes, like that, for years, except, I used a five gallon bucket, and would just stomp them. To wring them, I would wrap them around a small board, stand on the board, and twist, my jeans, or whatever, until most of the water was gone.
When you have had the following actual conversations in your home:

Son, please do not pee INSIDE the barn, pee outside the barn. It won't smell that way.

Will someone please go get the goat back from Ms.____'s house.

The goat is in the living room because it is cold outside, and its momma spooked and ran off.

Hey Mom, is my back ripped open? I fell out of the hayloft.

You work nights and the wife sneaks a cow home while you are sleeping (yes, I did)

and the most exciting thing that has happened to all year is your husband feeds your addiction and builds you a new chicken coop.
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When you wear up in a ponytail more than any other style, because it's just so much easier to deal with. Especially when you're mowing the lawn, or on the tractor, and hair blowing in the face. UGH! Gotta have those ponytails!
I may have to try that.. Jeans are the worst!! I keep telling dh that if he got me one of those old wringers, I would be so happy...
I honestly don't mind doing it this way.. I get exercise, the clothes get clean (I can always agitate them a bit more if they need it) and it saves money and energy...

Will you all be my adopted family? My family just doesn't get it! I'm the oddball because I make bread and soap, raise chickens for eggs and meat, and the four seasons of the year are planting, irrigating, harvest, and snowmobiling seasons! I try to wear my hair down on "office days" if it's cool, but around here I still end up with loads of rice dust, rice hulls, and feathers in my hair (from visiting my kids).

I got a good one! YKYACW: you have a "junk" pile that is bigger than a car but it's the envy of other country folk. You have often traded this or that from your "junk" pile for a thingamabob from theirs that was just what you needed to replace the doo-hickey that broke.
Heck, I live right smack dab in the middle of the city
but it's a "hick town" so who cares anyway

I have gone out buck naked if it's totally dark outside, pee'd too but only after dark since I do have to squat

I routinely let the chickens out in the morning with either wet hair and a bathrobe on, or goofy PJ's on.

We don't lock the doors unless everyone in the hosue is gone or asleep, and we leave the windows open so who cares. We mainly lock the doors to keep the wind from blowing them open

We actually don't carry a key to the front door, or to the "regular" lock on the back --- only the deadbolt for the back door. They exist (I think) but we don't use them or carry them, so if we have guests we always warn them NOT to lock us out!

I never lock the car/truck doors, and frequently leave the windows open too. My windshield leaks so closing the windows for rain is kindof a moot point. My cats sleep in the vehicles if they get the opportinity, but so far the chickens haven't figured out how to get in. hehehe

We don't own a clothes dryer. We have a 4-line 25' clothesline which works 99% of the year and if it rains non-stop we either use hangers inside, or spent a couple quarters at the laundromat, or visit MIL, whichever works for the situation.
Dang I think I turned country,,,,not sure when it happened, but this year we canned vegatables, started raising chickens...and now thinking of getting a couple of goats.....I don't even miss our old condo in the city.......I even listen to country music and enjoy it now.....This coming from a heavy metal junky!!!!

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