You know you are "Country" when...

So we are city.. but my parents have 100 acres about 20 miles from town..

I went and stayed at my mom's for the summer.. house renos and they were traveling.
Potty trained my now 13 year old out there on the "farm" specifically on the tractor tires, trees, rocks, stream, bush, and darn near on the goat.

We come back into town, Isaac yells that he has to pee. His dad expects him to go to the bathroom (city boy
) Isaac goes racing out the front door to pee on his dad's car tire.. did I mention dad was home for lunch.. and had his work car.. the one painted black and white.. with lights on it.

Come to think of it.., that might have been one of the catalysts for the divorce... My former spouse was HORRIFIED.
We come back into town, Isaac yells that he has to pee. His dad expects him to go to the bathroom (city boy ) Isaac goes racing out the front door to pee on his dad's car tire.. did I mention dad was home for lunch.. and had his work car.. the one painted black and white.. with lights on it.

Come to think of it.., that might have been one of the catalysts for the divorce... My former spouse was HORRIFIED.

Too funny! My dad had one of those cars too while I was growing up. We lived out in the country and he'd use the loudspeaker to yell REPORT when he wanted us to come home....once it was because my Nubian doe (who thought she was a dog and would chase cars) decided the top of his squad car was a great place to take a nap.​
I may have to try that.. Jeans are the worst!! I keep telling dh that if he got me one of those old wringers, I would be so happy...
I honestly don't mind doing it this way.. I get exercise, the clothes get clean (I can always agitate them a bit more if they need it) and it saves money and energy...


I swear we have a washing machine here somewhere on the property with a wringer on top of it.... I'll have to look tomorrow!
You know you are "Country" when... you drive your truck to the city, and in the back of the truck you have a bale stinger, empty feed/seed sacks, a roll of barb wire, a couple fence posts, a pair of rubber boots, and a few 5 gal buckets in the back of the truck!
Ok Ok
I kept wondering where the gas/oil smell was coming from all day today when I was driving for work.

Finally I put something in the back (inside back seat area) of my truck and discovered that my chainsaw was still back there. At least nothing was leaking out of the truck, and I wasn't immagining the smell. It was inside the truck because it rained yesterday and because I didn't want anyone to steal it.
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You know you are "Country" when... You have never locked your doors or take the keys outa the vehicles.IF someone were to come around looking for trouble, the 13 indoor/outdoor dogs would get them first.Trust me,if they see a vehicle driving past the house,driving slow they will alert us.The dogs know our vehicles and never bark when we come home.The geese start honking ,horses start neighing ,guineas go to squawking,and the roosters do there thing...If I were to come home and not hear any noises,something would be terribly wrong.

I live in the kinda town that Its not uncommon to have an ambulance stop by asking for directions,nor is it to hear gun shots in the middle of the night because someones chicken coop is under attack.
We shoot fireworks off at anytime of the year just because we can.If it cant be duct taped,supper glued or a tarp throwed over it... ,its not fixable.We have multiple lawn mowers/vehicles in our yard that hasn't made it to the junk yard yet.
We know all the cops in the county and can easily talk our way out of a ticket.Its not uncommon to see boys peeing off the porch.We wear boots to church or anywhere else we want to.When you walk in the feed store the workers ask if you are getting the "usual".
We bumped into the sherrif filling up with gas at the little stop in town, we were all headed to the "big" city for shopping and he asked if we wanted to race!

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