You know you are "Country" when...

We bumped into the sherrif filling up with gas at the little stop in town, we were all headed to the "big" city for shopping and he asked if we wanted to race!

You know you are "country" have conversations as follows:

*noise towards the back of the house*
me: What's that?
DH: The chicken scratching in her cage in the back room
me: I put the chicken out in the coop
*I get up to investigate. I hear scratching on the outside of the house.*
me: Babe, grab the BB gun!
DH: Yup...get the flashlight!
*I shine the light, DH shoots the rat on the side of the house and the dog catches it to ensure it's dead*

Then, a little later after watching a movie, DH says, I wanna go look for more rats and grabs the BB gun. I ask if he wants me grab the flashlight...."Yup".

And we live in a rural suburb...not quite rural, but not as big as a suburb. We got a 1/2 acre on a paved road....I think we're the neighborhood rednecks.
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This .. We used to not HAVE a house key .. and I never took my truck key out of my truck .. LOL.. loved it.

we don't have a house key but we have several truck keys

The people we bought our house from left us a key--somewhere. I might be able to come up with it, eventually.

I have a zillion truck keys--not because *I* lock my truck--the key lives in the ignition, but because my little rat Chihuahuas are CONSTANTLY locking me out of the truck when I run into a store to do an errand! I learned to keep a key in my jeans pocket at all times--and yes, I learned the hard way.

we don't have a house key but we have several truck keys

The people we bought our house from left us a key--somewhere. I might be able to come up with it, eventually.

I have a zillion truck keys--not because *I* lock my truck--the key lives in the ignition, but because my little rat Chihuahuas are CONSTANTLY locking me out of the truck when I run into a store to do an errand! I learned to keep a key in my jeans pocket at all times--and yes, I learned the hard way.


I like those snap on clip for my keys.That way when I get out the truck I can just snap them on my belt loop.The jangle sound goes great with my spurs.
... you run out to feed the chickens in a short robe, underwear, and bare feet. On your way back to the house you stop to see your horse in the run-in and notice he has injured himself. As soon as you try to check out the wound he goes flying off the handle and you find yourself chasing him in the pouring rain all over the muddy paddock with the robe flung open and hanging limp and wet.

Or maybe that's just me. (BTW, the horse turned out fine and no one passing on the road stopped to gawk so I guess it's all good
The people we bought our house from left us a key--somewhere. I might be able to come up with it, eventually.

I have a zillion truck keys--not because *I* lock my truck--the key lives in the ignition, but because my little rat Chihuahuas are CONSTANTLY locking me out of the truck when I run into a store to do an errand! I learned to keep a key in my jeans pocket at all times--and yes, I learned the hard way.


I like those snap on clip for my keys.That way when I get out the truck I can just snap them on my belt loop.The jangle sound goes great with my spurs.

See the problem with that is I drive a diesel, so I never turn it off when I go into places, so I had to start carrying extra keys since the one never comes out of the ignition.

I agree with you, though, I do love those little snappy clip things and have one with a key hanging from my belt loop most times when I'm driving and the dogs are with me--which is pretty much all the time.
I like those snap on clip for my keys.That way when I get out the truck I can just snap them on my belt loop.The jangle sound goes great with my spurs.

See the problem with that is I drive a diesel, so I never turn it off when I go into places, so I had to start carrying extra keys since the one never comes out of the ignition.

I agree with you, though, I do love those little snappy clip things and have one with a key hanging from my belt loop most times when I'm driving and the dogs are with me--which is pretty much all the time.

My friend does the same with her diesel,leave it running while in the store.Is there a reason for this ?just curious BBQ your own chickens on a homemade grill made from an old hog trough set up on an old washtub stand, covered with wire fencing....and the guests at your party gobble up all the chicken and you don't get any.

....when everyone in the county knows when you get a milk cow because.....well....they know ALL your business ALL the time because their lives are so boring that they have to watch yours!

....when complete strangers drop by their list of their dairy wants and needs upon hearing you now have a milk cow.

....your front door key stays in the front door for 4 years.

....when folks stop and buy your eggs out of the fridge in the garage and you've never advertised or put up a sign. And it's all done by the honor system and you only told one person about it, but now many different people stop by who you've never seen before.

....when people drop buckets of food off on your porch and you don't know who did it....and you do the same for other people.

....when your outhouse is a two holer and one is toddler sized.

....when a possum walks into your kitchen when you open the door, without a by-your-leave or anything, and grins at you as he takes a tour of your house.

....when you name the possum Earl.
That got me thinking of another one beekissed...

A few years ago 2 random people showed up at the house asking if we wanted a freshly killed hog.Turns out the sow had got loose a few years back and was eating all the corn out of the deer feeders.They shot her and didn't have freezer room for the meat.They saw our little trailer and figured might need it.We gladly took it and did all the processing our selves.The meat was great!.
It was a blessing to because,we were running low on meat and money was tight.
If you think about it,It was a risky move taking the hog,because we had no idea if they had been lying and the pig was sick or something.
I found the couple on myspace a few months ago and gladly thanked them.
I believe I was 11 or 12 her skinning here with my Nanny.
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