You know you are "Country" when...

Ooohhh yes thats true... Or look at your shoes to see which one do not have a lot poop. I leave the shoes boots outside because of the smell!

Lets see.... which of these shoes smell the best. eewww !

So I just put on my mud rain boots or anything else will be ruined.

I think I need to tell you about my yesterday in this thread. Ok, where to begin? We are in northern Alberta and our furnace is broken...not so great . (though if I were truly country we would burn wood...) Anyway, so that is the backdrop for the day...not a great day. We are tired of being cold and the cupboards are bare SO dh says he will take all the kids in with him grocery shopping. That is something I would NOT do if I had a choice...but he wanted to, go him. He leaves and within ten min I get a call...from a stranger's cell phone...'Penny, I am out of gas, bring the car and a jerry can...' The stranger's cell b/c not only is he out of gas, he is also out of cell phone battery power.

So, yes...I am wearing pj bottoms, no bra, my son's ski pants, my chicken sh*t boots and some sort of toque....and head out in a big hurry to save the day.

We live in the middle of nowhere...nobody will see me etc etc...

I drive up behind them jump out of the car and go see hubby sitting in the van. I jump into the van, he jumps out. From the rear view mirror I can see him circling the car. I am thinking, 'open the bloody door, get on with the show.'

(this is getting long, isn't it)

He comes BACK to the van with a LOOK on his face. Apparently, when I exited the car, I inadvertently LOCKED the door and it closed behind me. So, now here we are in the middle of the road with two vehicles...none of which can go anywhere. Stellar. At this point I must admit I lost it. I was sick of all the crap from the last three days and had meself a good scream. lol

The story ends well b/c when you are country, strangers will pick you up and take you to get gas...
YKYCW~ Your small prek-12 central school puts "No workboots/steel toed boots" in the code of conduct because the citified principal says that its a sign of gang activity

Your first thought is " Wow you gotta watch out for those 4H'ers- they're real trouble!!!!

(She later resinded it as it was hard to tell if they were really steel-toed........)

BTW- the real problem was the manure that they kids were tracking in was offending her...

~You know of at least one or two couples who have ridden 4-wheelers, tractors or huge 4 wheel trucks to prom....

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