You know you are "Country" when...

When you slide open the kitchen window and slip the muzzle of the 22/250 out to pop off a ground hog at 7:00 in the morning. Sure gets the wifes attention as she exites the barn.

My husband sits on the toilet and shoots out the bathroom window at nuisence birds. Scares me to death half the time.
Theres a small general store near by, they actually live in the back just like on the Waltons. Well I run out to grab some oatmeal and the lady behind the counter, who has known me since before I can remember says "its right there on the top, go back and get it I cant reach it" Thats how you know your a local in a very small town.
*whistling* When hubby hogs up the toilet all morning, use the outside lawn instead. (hey, When u gotta go, you gotta go! and who is looking?!)

When you end up having to run out the door in nothing but a bath towel all because the donkey has gotten loose and didnt noticed until you JUST GOT OUT OF THE SHOWER! (happened this morning. Didn't know Bob was out until I saw his head sticking out my BATHROOM WINDOW!)

When your garden gets ticked on more then your toilet (MEN! BOYS!)
when you keep a halter, lead rope, and bucket of grain, in the truck at all times, just in case you discover your/ neighbors horses are out.

if you still have eggs in the incubator and its mid october.

if your first ever deer was someone elses road kill.

if your second ever deer was someone elses road kill, one week later, same road, less than five feet from first one

if you have ever taught your husband how to field dress a deer

if you don't even take deer to butcher any more, and just cut it up yourself

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