You know you are "Country" when...

When you can't fall asleep at your "citified" family's house because there aren't any lowing cattle to sing you to sleep.

When company comes and they ask what the smell outside is and you say, "It's either the cattle across the way, the horses back over there, the compost pile on the other end, or...alright, ya'll better check your shoes 'fore we go in the house" (looking for any kind of poo: chicken, dog, who knows) but of course through all this you don't smell anything because you're used to it, that's why just in case you don't wear shoes in the house.
I thought I was 'unencumbered' and 'natural' when I was peeing on a dirt road one night, not being one of those prissy girls that has to run to the Circle K. Suddenly, I was blinded by a light. (pause for song) I squinted and realized a police car with two male officers had rolled up on me and spotlighted me in the act. I don't know WHAT they thought they'd see just before they flipped the switch, but it was likely the least interesting thing they'd seen that night.
You know you're country when: feed your cow a bunch of dates and inadvertently kill it, then spend the whole night out there cutting him up. see your kid eating a turkey feather and you shrug "It's organic".

....people say they'll 'stop by' to see your place one day and you freeze up and look ready to kill.

....the power goes out at night and you can't see ANYTHING, it's like your eyes are pinched shut, unless a full moon is out. tell your birthday party guests "Wear shoes that can get dirty!"

....your phone line is older than you, and all you hear is static that's louder than the person you're trying to hear.

....the septic tank guy digs it up and says "I don't know what that is, but that ain't a septic tank."
You know your country when you go to the city to the mall with your kids and your 3 year old is standing next to a wishing well/water fountain and asks if she can swim in this one in her undies.
You know your country when you are brushing your daughters hair, getting ready for school pictures and you find a lump of chicken poo. Aparently why snuggling with her silkie it made a deposit.

Her only comment was "Oh so that's what smells".
I thought I was 'unencumbered' and 'natural' when I was peeing on a dirt road one night, not being one of those prissy girls that has to run to the Circle K. Suddenly, I was blinded by a light. (pause for song) I squinted and realized a police car with two male officers had rolled up on me and spotlighted me in the act. I don't know WHAT they thought they'd see just before they flipped the switch, but it was likely the least interesting thing they'd seen that night.

LOL That was hilarious !!!!
I don't know how many times iv peed on the sides of roads,outside the house,or a horse trailer. hahahahahaha
When you are watching a movie or tv show with horses, chickens, goats, etc. in it and you instinctively look out the window when you hear them, thinking they are yours and something is up.


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