You know you are "Country" when...

What time is the cornbread ready. I'm on the

Me too
You know you are 'Country' when...

...Just before leaving the sugery to visit your horse, the vet phones to ask if you can spare any eggs.

...You send him on his way with eggs and a bottle of sloe gin
You are so used to rubber knee-boots that you do not know you have worn them to town until you keep noticing people staring at your feet!
If you saw this and thought it was one of the coolest things ever!
(Though I admit, I don't quite get what it's for...
Is it something naughty or is it for hunting? Clue me in...)

When you have to keep "city shoes" in the car because you can't get to your car without stepping in something at least mud. And you can't change your shoes right when you get in because inevitably you have to check on every critter or plant (stupid gophers) before you leave.
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sorry folks,
I was not back to the forum to read your replys on the cornbread. Any way it was the last piece left over hidden under a bowl till i was ready for it. Yummm gloria Jean

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