You know you are "Country" when...

okay you know you are redneck whe; your alarm system goes off a little longer than usual one night and 4 of the neighbors closest to you come over with their rifles and pistols and ask if your all right hahaha that happened last night love some of my neighbors lol

Hey, I heard a lady call into the car guys radio show about that!

YKYC when you leave the hood of your car up because it keeps the rodents from wanting to buld a nest in the engine compartment.
oooooo I hate that.... Go to open a hood an theres a gofer rat lookin at ya..... Gun fire ensues an parts get ventilated..... I hate rats.
YKYCW...your whole house looks more like storage rooms, than it looks like anything featured in Better Homes and Gardens.

Right now, my kitchen, after tidying, contains:

this year's potatoes and garlic drying (ran out of room in the spare room, where carrots and parsnips are taking up space)
buckets of apples waiting to be sauced
green tomatoes waiting to be chutneyed
herbs drying on the towel rack alongside the towels
box of firewood for the woodstove, bits of sawdust etc. falling everywhere
spare chicken waterers
vat of saskatoon-currant wine waiting to be racked to secondary fermenter
twelve lbs honey waiting to be made into mead
the daily eggs proudly displayed...behind the dirty dishes
300lb layer feed stacked along the wall (the rest of the bags from the pallet are in the spare room and my bedroom)

Size of kitchen, 12' x 16'. Includes table, counters and appliances too.

I ask myself, why bother doing dishes when you can't even see the sink?
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-We leave the house unlocked and keys in the car
-The kids run around the house/yard naked more often than they are clothed.
-You have to vacuum hay out of the back of your SUV becuase the hubby has the truck for work.
-You ask for a shotgun for you can gun down possums & coons that are bugging your flock.
-You are a member of a chicken forum

-You love any excuse to make something homemade from anything homegrown.
-You find yourself sitting on the fronch porch pitting 75+ pounds of cherries, listening to country music.
-The kids run outside to pee instead of going to the bathroom.
-You and the hubby go window shopping at the local feed store just to kill time.
son is best man in his friends wedding and comes out wearing a tux and sporting a rifle? turns out it is their wedding gift lol.. apparently the girls family all hunts and shoots and they wanted the groom to get a gun so he can join in. isn't it usually the girls father carring the gun to the wedding?????

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