You know you are "Country" when...

When you are putting on your “chicken boots” and one of your little sisters runs by you and asks”where are you going?” You reply “out to feed the animals”. She looks at you and asks” Do I have to come with you?”
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Ah, yes! How many times have I told DH "You need to get a tetanus shot for that." The rest is pretty funny too! I have fond memories of racing everywhere barefoot all summer; the fight Mom had to get us to keep shoes on for company or when dreadful September rolled around and School Shoes must be worn. I never got foot infections until I had to wear shoes year 'round.
StupidBird--Sounds like you got a bit of country-city hybrid-ism
Tetanus shots plus bare feet!
I, too, have leftover relics of my citified childhood, from before I was able to escape to the country...
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.....when every pair of slippers. boots, and tennis shoes has goat poop and chicken poop on the bottom and every coat has the remains of a cracked egg that you put in it and got mashed when the goats jumped on you as you were leavin
Let's see - is my family country?

I was planting potatoes the day before my daughter was born. Came home from the hospital the day after she was born and finished planting potatoes.
Three month old daughter got a beautiful tan while I was weeding said potatoes - I put her car seat in the shade, but the sun moved.
Two very young daughters have very dirty faces. Tell me they've been eating chocolates. Uh uh - they've been in the chicken pen...again.

Daughters grew up naked and barefoot. Didn't wear clothes regularly until they were almost old enough to go to school.
Both daughters on tractors in the hay fields before they were ten. Wooden blocks for extenders so their feet would reach the pedals.
Grown daughters got married and moved to town. Both are back living in the country- couldn't stand living in town! Still don't wear shoes - just boots!
Neighbor asks to borrow our dog - his cattle are out and he needs help rounding them back up.
Game ranger goes fishing on our pond - so he can keep an eye on the poachers in the woods next to us.
Sheriff's deputy drops by to see if we can take in a couple of extra horses that were seized for neglect.
Sherrif's deputy drops by to see if he can fish in our pond - game ranger told him the fishing was really good.
Sheriff's deputy brings our naughty teenage daughters home from a big party that got raided for underage drinking. The other kids went to jail, but he fishes in our pond!

Son in law hunts deer out of season. Game ranger doesn't complain as long as the deer are taken on our property - we eat them, and the area is over run with deer.
Highway patrol trooper pulls me over and tells me to open my trunk. He takes my big first aid kit and blankets because there's a bad wreck on the interstate and it will be at least half an hour before an ambulance gets there. EMTs with the ambulance re-stock the first aid kit and the trooper drops it off at the general store for me to pick up. (more than once!)
Highway patrol trooper pulls speeding daughter over and threatens to kick her butt if she doesn't slow down.

High school basketball game a big social occasion.
Entire community showed up after our house burned down to help us clean up.
Local electric co-op provided electric line to hook up the mobile home we moved in after house burned down.
Supervisor at work occasionally has to remind me to put my "city" shoes on. (I keep them under my desk). The heater under my desk is spreading the chicken poo smell all over the office.

Are we country? You bet!
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When you go out first thing in the morning Christmas day in your jammies and boots with no jacket just to ride your horses bareback or just watch your flock chill. I speak from experience. Me and my little sister have done it before. Its fun.
Gee, our family first aid box is a big orange plastic toolbox. And it's full. What's in yours that's so good that they borrow it for serious emergencies? Maybe we are stocking the wrong things.

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