You know you love your chickens when...


In the Brooder
Jul 24, 2015
You see this bed and think, 'I would get that for my kid and turn it into a coop when they outgrew it!!!' Lmbo
When you can't sleep late in the mornings because you know your chickens want to come out of the coop.
When, instead of scraping your dinner plates into the trash, you scrape them into a little bowl, (no matter how few) to save those little tidbits for the chicken's breakfast. When, every time you reach into a jacket pocket, you find an egg, and marvel that you didn't crush it... yet. When you talk back to them.
When you're a bad-*** Trauma ER Nurse in one of the biggest Emergency Rooms in the nation and all you can think of is a day off relaxing by "watching/being with" your chickens.

I swear, it's a calming/relaxing therapy for me...and I'm sure many others feel the same!
Ruffles was one of the first chickens we ever had. At some point she started to get a mild case of bumblefoot. We were panicked. We knew we weren't mentally prepared to cut it out ourselves, but we also knew if left alone it would get worse. We could see it was slowing her down & making her a little miserable so we started researching other options & eventually found the CrazyK website. They have poly urethane (think wet suit) shoes for chickens. Apparently most people buy just one shoe for whichever foot has trouble, but can you imagine walking around everyday with only one shoe on? We ordered both shoes. Long story short, these shoes gave her a new lease on life. She would stand up so tall & stick her foot out to 'show' everybody. The kids would all tell her what pretty shoes she had & we eventually started calling her Boots instead of Ruffles. Holy Cow were the other hens jealous! I am not at all kidding about this -- The other hens were crazy-jealous over those shoes. We'd take them off her during the hottest parts of the summer & still they would wear out about twice a year & we'd have to buy her a new pair. This went on for a few years until she got old & we finally lost her. We buried her in her boots.

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