You know you love your chickens when...

You guys/gals are going to make me cry. :) thank you all soooo much for understanding and your support. I'm going to take time today and figure out which hen will be going with her tomorrow based on who is only showing dominance and not aggression.
@yochickiemomma I'm so sorry that you've had this problem. I had a minor issue because when I reintegrated a hawk attack victim into the flock. My australorp started picking on the Light Brahma. I found Peeps on a website and put them on Onyx. She is still wearing them and there is peace in the coop. I don't think it would work on a flock although I have read a couple of threads where people put them on all the hens. It has worked for me.
I did it! I took her and one of my other EE to my friends house. They we're happily exploring their new home when I left. And I've been offered to go visit whenever I want.

......but you know you love your chickens when you trudge through deep snow with five gallon buckets full of poppy straw from their chicken run because its wet and they need new dry straw to scratch though. And you make sure you add some scratch to their new straw so they have plenty to keep then busy on the is balmy 40 degree day in Northern MI. :)
You know you love your chickens when~~

you do all you can when you note you hen is not well. And after trips to the vet that come up $$$ and with no resolution...make the call to have the vet help her on her way to no more suffering. I don't mean to bum anyone out but I'm very sad we lost her.
Sometime you know you love these feathered friends to the point of them being more than just a purpose animal..more than just a pet, when if fills you up with this emptiness after they're gone.
I hope this page gets visited because she deserved for as many people I can get to read about know at least a little bit about her.
Thanks for a place to post this, BYC.
You know you love your chickens when~~

you do all you can when you note you hen is not well. And after trips to the vet that come up $$$ and with no resolution...make the call to have the vet help her on her way to no more suffering. I don't mean to bum anyone out but I'm very sad we lost her.
Sometime you know you love these feathered friends to the point of them being more than just a purpose animal..more than just a pet, when if fills you up with this emptiness after they're gone.
I hope this page gets visited because she deserved for as many people I can get to read about know at least a little bit about her.
Thanks for a place to post this, BYC.

I am so sorry! I visited your memorial page and loved the pictures and stories about Tippi. I also love her name; I am a big Hitchcock fan, too, and I love that you named her for the actress in "The Birds." It sounds like she really knew that she was adored and cherished.
I visited your page about Tippy. It is beautiful. "Mostly...I'm going to miss how you'd follow me around and look at me like I was better than cracked corn." that says it all. It's why we fuss over them, and worry about them as though they were our kids. Yup, I'm new to this and filled my empty nest with chicks. They aren't my kids, but I get to lavish attention on them, and in return I get their attention, the ability to laugh at them, enjoy their curiosity, their basic nosiness. When I walk to the coop, it reminds me of coming home when my kids were toddlers and they'd come rushing to greet me.

Your Tippy was a lucky girl.
you know you love chicken when...

you have a pinterest board that is on poultry and it has almost 500 pictures of poultry in that board.
Sorry for your loss chickrunfun. Your memorial was very sweet. I have one particular hen that I'm very bonded to and her to me. I dread the day when I will have to say goodbye to her. Who would have thought that chickens could sneak so deeply into our hearts but they do. Your memories of Tippi will keep her in your heart forever.

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