You know you love your chickens when...

:frow Good morning all!

You know you love your chickens when you are thinking that you will not attend your son's college track meet because the incubated eggs will be on day 21...
And my son hasn't run for a year due to injury...:he  so much stress is not good for me!:barnie  

I can see you all now. :lau  Did I mention that it is a 5 hour drive to the meet and it lasts 2 days?
if he is your child he will understand. There are always more meets bit a chicken only hatches once in their life time just saying
Some of you I think have taken this far beyond love and well into the range of obsession. Have any of you considered therapy?
:gig :weee :lau

You know you love your chickens when......

You get a warm, squishy homesick feeling whenever you hear a rooster crowing.

You find it hard to convince yourself it's worth getting out of bed in the morning if you don't hear one.

You know you love your chickens when.....

You rotate your entire schedule and appointments around candle dates and hatch dates, and spend nearly your whole day beside the incubator on hatch day.
You know you love your chickens when....

You lose your phone doing errands and the first thought that pops into your head is that all your chicken pictures are gone.
@andrea2chicken My son isn't the problem, I am!
IDon't laugh, but I am not a helicopter parent. But I do love watching him run!

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