You know you love your chickens when...

I find my phone on either the lower roost which is shoulder height, or in a nestbox! Usually because I've put it there while adjusting the camera or changing water!

Nice to have company!
When I read the original post from fly wheel about the phone in the nest box, that was the first thing I thought too...I am NOT alone!"
Come to think about it... as much time is spent in the hen houses, coops and yards, it's actually a miracle our phones don't have more...poop accidents, falls in water bowls, feed bins, or more have "chicken selfies" because seriously they are so curious about ANYTHING we have , I dunno about you but my chicks peek the living sheep out of my phone, when it's in my hand, put somewhere to be out of the way my pocket, even.
And no...that Saturday wasn't the first time I've left it SOMEWHEN chicken related! But under a broody? Hummm..newp. Not yet. You win with that one!
When you need to go to town to get groceries or run errands, but your chickens are having so much fun free ranging that you can't bear to shut them back in their run. (Wish they could free range all the time but I always supervise because I'm over protective.)
I have this problem all the time. I let them out and then I realize I need to go to the store. I wind up not going because I can't bear to put them back in. :lol:
When you realize you are singing them a theme song as you carry them one at a time from the coop to their tractor.
"Chicken birds, everybody's a chicken bird..."

Sung to the tune of the 1931 Jazz standard All Of Me :)
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When you realize you are singing them a theme song as you carry them one at a time from the coop to their tractor.
"Chicken birds, everybody's a chicken bird..."

Sung to the tune of the 1931 Jazz standard All Of Me :)

Ever since I read this, I have been singing it, too! :)
When you realize you are singing them a theme song as you carry them one at a time from the coop to their tractor.
"Chicken birds, everybody's a chicken bird..."

Sung to the tune of the 1931 Jazz standard All Of Me :)

I do this too!! Except I sing chicken versions of songs from Phantom of the Opera. When I let them out of the coop in the morning they hear the chicken version of, Good Morning.

"Good morning, good morning.
It's great to cluck the whole day through...
Good morning, good morning to you."
I do this too!! Except I sing chicken versions of songs from Phantom of the Opera. When I let them out of the coop in the morning they hear the chicken version of, Good Morning.

"Good morning, good morning.
It's great to cluck the whole day through...
Good morning, good morning to you."
OMG, that is hilarious!

Sorry about that! Everyone around here has a theme song. I never realized I was doing it until my then 3 yr old daughter started singing them too.
I think it is quite an excellent theme song for chickens. I have one hen who likes to sing -- she is like a songbird dressed in a chicken suit and just runs around trilling happily -- so I am sure she appreciates being serenaded. It would be funny to have a list of everyone's chicken theme songs.

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